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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
Status: Brand new


I am missing International Roaming on my public mobile sim card, is there a plan in the future to launch International Roaming?

I hope many of us would benefit while travelling to countries other than US.

Mayor / Maire

We jsut got US roaming so im guessing with all the current issuesthat international roaming is still awhile away.


However i know ehn travelling to europ, its so cheap to buy a sim card when you get there and pop it into your phone and very easy to do too.

Mayor / Maire

PM Currently has NO Roam Beyond the US, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, BUT, I think it maybe inevitable. Just don't expect right now, Maybe and I Hope Nxt Yr, when US Roam proves it's worth, and PM has got hand of preventing Glitches and such, to ensure smooth transition

Mayor / Maire
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