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Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
Status: Idea completed

There are many articles for sale in site. Why can't PM advertise for sale their services and SIM card through This will reach out to a much wider customer base and they can also manage the delivery of SIM cards on PM's behalf. However, I am not sure if CRTC would allow that. 

Also, to save shipping costs, PM may also consider to have their customers to pick up the SIM cards from any Telus outlets. To avoid any impact on Telus customers, the stores will only be used for pickup for PM customers and will not sell any PM products. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

 I like the idea to pick out SIM in some Telus stores. PM may sell SIM in their participating retailers. When the customers buy vouchers, they can get free SIM or they can just buy vouchers.


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

 @pckku you said:  "assuming PM reverts back to using Canada Post's regular mail deliver, people gets the sim cards free of charge and then they try to sell on amazon or ebays to get extra cash. Hopefully PM would monitor this closely as unsuspecting customers, likely from outside of Canada, may fall vitim to thses unofficial sales of sim cards."


When someone mentioned the individual selling the cards on a little while back, the response from PM was basically that they didn't see a problem with it.  Since PM doesn't make any profit on the SIM cards, they don't lose any $ my shipping some to someone that wants to resell them for a nominal amount on Amazon.  It costs PM the same to ship the cards to someone that wants to list them on Amazon as it does to ship them to an end customers.  So, with the ultimate goal of getting cards in the hands of prospect customers, I think they are okay with the extra exposure.  

Status changed to: Idea completed
Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

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