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Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire
Status: Idea completed
Why not just come out with a one single size Sim card so when I person orders one they can pop out what ever size is needed for there phone. This will bring your cost down.
Status changed to: Under Consideration
Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired
Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire
Awesome, Its about time
Status changed to: Idea completed
Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

The Public Mobile Community Team is excited to announce that we’ll be launching tri-punch SIM cards within the next few weeks. The new card includes three SIM sizes (standard, micro & nano) in one convenient package – meaning less confusion about the SIM you need to order. Hooray!





This idea was brought forward in our Community (i.e., by all of you) and we’re pleased to be able to say… here it is!


Let’s keep the Public Lab kicking – start, respond or Bravo here.



Mayor / Maire

Hi Public. One important idea that I think is Public should not have separate SIM cards. Every other carrier I see in Canada offers a multi-SIM (at least dual SIM/microSIM, preferably SIM/microSIM/nanoSIM). This alone will reduce alot of the problems new users have (see how many posts ask what SIM they need, or requesting mail replacement SIM when phone is upgraded).

Mayor / Maire



Public Mobile already have a TRI punch SIM card that offer nano, micro and standard size in one card.

Mayor / Maire
Really? Last 2 they sent me were both specific size (even website ask size). Where did you see the tri-SIM?
Mayor / Maire



You need to choose Tri-punch SIM card from the list when you complete your order (once you get your invitation code).


If you order a replacement SIM card, you must also mention it.


Me and some persons who help the community have received two samples of the TRI-Punch SIM card.

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