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Status: Brand new

Is it possible to limit the number of bravos given from one person to another in a certain day or you have to give out so many different before returning to the same user?  Here is a screen shot where you can see 2 members obviously abusing the system for the "Financial Reward" of being active and helpful on the board.  After the screen shot was take withing 5 minutes it was up to 31 given and 90 received



Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Yikes. Good catch.


Now that I pointed this out trying to involve me in it



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Why would you limit the amount of bravos that people can give eachother? A bravo is simply the same as a like on facebook. You are silly thinking that this is a financial advancement because thats not what they look at. There is a reason they log things like posts, time on the forums etc. If someone on the forums has helped me out a great deal and I see him helping others in the community, im going to like his posts. Also, the community rewards are peanuts so if someone is on here at all it is because they are doing it to help the community not because they want the reward. People would be much better off with a part time job at mcdonals then spending hours and hours on end on these forums to get 2 or 3 dollars off in a month if it was the money they wanted.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Not sure if I sure bravo that ^^ I might get the po-lice called on me lol.. sorry for making you cry, @ShawnC13 😞 Really didn't mean to.. However, what you're doing is wrong.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Lol that's funny.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Personally it would not make financial sense to spend the whole day posting / giving bravos just for the reward...


You are going to spend WEEKS posting to get maybe $10 off one time?


I post in the forum because I enjoy it, but from financial perspective is the biggest waste of time... 


On the other hand, referrals, there I do spend time!.. since they will keep giving you discounts every month!



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Interesting catch. Are Bravos the only thing that plays into the discount? Or is is weighted with other factors?


Theoretically, I could just create a whole bunch of dummy accounts and give myself all the Bravos I could possibly want and at least guarentee a dollar off in a mater of minutes. 


I am on the forums half because I enjoy it and half because I know there is a discount potential for doing something I like. But this is demotivating if I know that someone could potentially get more reward than I might be able to for doing nothing really. 

Mayor / Maire

My understanding is that bravos only play a small part in determining what level the person falls into for the community participation. Replying to people's messages, and having posts marked as the solution have more worth. Nobody really knows how the scoring system works, but I'm glad it's that way! If PM were to publish how scoring works, it would just be opportunity for schmucks to exploit it!


My #1 community pet peeve...

Don't ask people to give you bravos or mark your reply as the solutions!

Lately some people have been asking this at bottom of ALL their posts. Either you get bravos for being helpful, or you don't. Either people think your reply is the solution, or they don't. Stop begging, it's pathetic.


PM has been running the reward system for awhile and I'd think @Jeremy_M would exercise his discretion on who makes which level... especially if he suspects flooding.


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Wow. That is kind of pathetic.

Mayor / Maire

Other things do factor in to calculations @ShawnC13 other than raw bravo counts


But I do agree people gaming system makes it look worse 

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