I wish they would have big data buckets like 12 GB for people who will regularly use more then there allotted data and for people who only use data for VOIP. Obviously at a reasoable rate of around $7-10 a GB
Because we have three main carriers that instead of competing with eachother they have come together with a plan to suck every last penny (Nickle now) they can out of Canadian users.
@makkahn28 really? Do we really need that many choices? Honestly, with the price-per-GB of the data add-ons, people are best to try to avoid them like the plague and just pick a plan with data amount that meets your needs, and if none do, go to a different carrier.
Honestly, if PM is to change anything about the data add-ons, my opinion is it needs to start with the price-per-GB, not the bucket sizes. $30 is just too much, period.
@srlawren, I do agree that rates for these can be very dicey, BUT, I think it can be manageable and beneficial, We can all win, PM, Us, Telus, there's no such thing as a Kobayashi Maru scenario, When collective minds combine, great things happen