I was looking at Plans, and I was like, how can PM improve it even better?
For 30 day, currently it's
1,2 and 4 GB
What if PM had 1,3,5 GB
1,2,3,and 5 GB
90 Day,
3,6,12 GB
What if
800 MB, 3, 7, 9 and 12 GB
Some PPL call this frills, BUT sometimes CERTAIN Frills is a necessity, and since PM created the Buffet style Pick what U want and Pay, well, Perhaps this may bring some Balance, and maybe create the positive atmosphere that may help PM in the long-term
Just saying, I feel PM should always keep an open mind, sometimes the options available may entice PPL to make the switch, and maybe create new ventures PM can ride upon.
Hoping some PM Clients can at least agree to some extent
Keep the Public debating