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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Status: Brand new

Aujourd'hui, j'achète 2 bauchers pour 139,12 $ (taxes incluses) pour axeder ce promotion, je les chargé à mon compte mais le compte suivre dans $0, alors je n'a pas service, mon phone ne marché pas!!!!!... le * 611 ne me permit pas acceder ... je dois faire? J'ai perdu mon argent?

Je n'ai plus service, ni l'argent... peut me aider s'il vous plaît? vraiment est très complique le service de payment avec Public Mobile.... Je vous remercie pour votre aide.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Run through google translate and cleaned up.


Today I bought 2 vouchers for $ 139.12 (taxes included) to add this promotion, I charge them to my account but the account still says $ 0, so I do not have service, my phone does not work! !!!! ... the * 611 did not allow me to add them in... What do I have to do? Have I lost my money?
I have no service, no money ... can help me please? Really is very complicated payment service with Public Mobile .... Thank you for your help.


Sounds like you need to send your details to a Mod so they can look into it @Shazia_K


You probably need to send your account number, phone number and the voucher codes. 


Also this should probably be moved out of Ideas/Lab and into the Discussions or Self Serve section

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hello, a couple of days ago I wrote to @Shazia_K, but I have no answer. I paid $ 138 and I do not have the service ... can you help me? Who else can I connect with? ... thank you!


Hugo Hernan

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

If you have allready messaged a MOD (@shazia_K) you are good, there is just a huge backlog and there will probably be a delay of a few days. 


Have you sent them all the information they need as outlined here?


Also FYI I would take your name off here, this is a public forum and thats against the rules as far as I know. 


Also if you maybe just need some help from the community to troubleshoot an issue this isn't the right sectio of the forums to do it. Make a post here:



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