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When Referral Rewards (and only Referrals) exceed one's plan costs, Public Mobile could issue prepaid credit cards for every $50 in "lost" Referral Rewards.

Maybe make it transferable to another account. The way things are set up now with one plan per account, maybe it's possible to reach zero cost, but having multiple plans per account would resolve this.
Mayor / Maire

I will never have that type of referral credit in my account, but hey, this sounds cool


@will13am, I know you really want the multiple services for 1 account, but I'm pretty sure we shouldn't hold our breath for it.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

That would be nice. But wishful thinking. 😉

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Hate to disagree @Luddite, but I think a completely free service is reward enough, and far more generous than the other carriers provide.  


@stonechucker, I don't really care if they never change how plans and accounts are administered. Being an exclusively prepaid service, I think it would be one big shock if they grouped plans into one account. I don't have anywhere near 38 referrals, so it's not that I am going to lose any credits. I am resourceful enough to use a different account if it came down to that.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

This would be completely pie-in-the-sky territory for me, as I expect that 90% of my rewards will come from something other than referrals.  On the other hand, it would be nice if the community rewards scale had a slightly bigger monetary gap between the top 5% ($4) and the top 0.5% ($6) badge levels.  Maybe $7 or $8 for the top 0.5% would be ever so slightly more representative of the relative effort required, compared to the effort needed for the top 5%.  (Not that any amount would ever be adequate compensation for the hours required, should anyone focus solely on the monetary aspect of community participation, however.  For them, there's always beer can recycling and couch cushion diving.  Cat Tongue )

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
This is cool, it's an affiliate model of marketing. I am sure many people would be interested.
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