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Town Hero / Héro de la Ville
I know, I know. Budget brand, etc etc. But I think if PM bumped up the throttled 3G speeds to something more palatable it would go a long way to making them more appealing and make them feel like less of a rip off.

Not thinking anything crazy here but even 5mbps dwn, 1mbps up would be better and would offer a competitive advantage vs other 3G providers out there.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@mtfolks I endorse this idea 100%, and have been asking @Jeremy_M for this since day 1 of the 3G offerings.  

Mayor / Maire

I think IF PM offered the 3G Speeds at 6MB DL

2.5-3MB UP, perhaps that might prove sufficient to make 3G Speeds Plans more Enjoyable in the Long run

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

5mbps dwn is a bit better for a cell phone. I remember after dial up, I had that speed for my home internet. It sometimes took a while for the pages to load. Those were the days.  Good thing now for faster speeds at home. Imagine trying to watch Netflix on 5mbps dwn. 🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Although 5 MB/sec isn't great for video, It's fine for those of us using it for work purposes. Spotify will work  and Netflix will still work at standard definition. I might change to 3G plan if the speed was a little faster  (since I missed out on the fall special last year).    

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@905289 for work purposes, beware of the dreadfully slow upload speeds (capped at 400Kbps) on the "3G" data plans.  Depending what type of work you do, that may or may not be an issue.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks srlawren. I hadn't thought as much about the upload speed which could become an issue. I do mostly emails but somtimes with larger file attachments. My citrix server might also not work when I hotspot to my laptop. 


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@905289 most Citrix session activity shouldn't be bad, as the only thing being uploaded is your mouse movements and clicks, and your key presses; however, if you are copying and pasting files or large chunks of data via shared clipboard from your local computer to the Citrix server that will be painfully slow. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

thanks @srlawren . The information about citrix is helpful. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Glad to see PM has bumped up the UL speed to 2.5mbps. Now if they could just get that DL speed bumped up to 5mbps (or more...maybe?...maybe?...okay probably not haha) that would make those 3G packages a much better value proposition I think.

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