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Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
Status: Brand new

For my home phone, I use  For voicemail, there are a couple of useful features, in addition to dialing in and checking voicemail the old fashion way.  It would be awesome if PM can add these features:


1. As part of the self-serve system, have a page where you can check your voicemail.  That page would list all of the voicemails saved and would allow you to download the sound file.

2. You can also choose to have the system send you the sound file to your designated email.  That way, you can just check your email and play the voicemail from there.

Mayor / Maire

I get what you're asking, because I too have a VoIP service I use as a secondary phone and that's how I get my voicemail -- notified through email, can view messages online.


But answer me this... do any other cellular carriers in Canada offer this sort of service?  If there are, please enlighten us, because unless the big 3 have it, I highly doubt PM would be able to offer such a service. Just my opinion...


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@daredogg, that's a fair question.  If PM wanted to maintain a culture of inside-the-box thinking, then I would agree they would not offer this service.  If Steve Jobs also took this line of thinking, Apple wouldn't have created a phone without a keypad, because which major phone manufacturer offered a mainstream phone like that in 2007?

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@fktw unfortunately, PM isn't the Steve Jobs of mobile carriers, it's Telus' no-frills flanker brand.  😞

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
@srlawren, true, true! Lol
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