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Is Porting via Self Serve ever coming back?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

We used to be able to do port ourselves via self-serve. This feature was 'broken' or disabled after a system maintenance update. 


I suspect it is never coming back and I also think it was a deliberate policy decision to remove this feature. Maybe some were abusing it. 




Mayor / Maire

@smp99  I suspect they will just after they fix the Auto-Pay payment processing issues. Just a guess though.🙂



The reason for not allowing customers to port in was said to be a security issue, although I am unnsure how porting in during activation is any more secure.

@smp99 I'm not the most technical of people but it seems that if I can do it on activation (other than Koodo prepaid) it should be feasible to do it from my self serve account any other time. Perhaps a site update "inadvertently" removed/broke it? This was before my time so I'm not familiar with any issues that may have arose from it.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Yeah very strange I sent a reply message to MOD team asking them to resolve the porting issue but there is no response. Must just be something internally they decided to remove


Cheers & Good Luck

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