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unlimited minutes

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have the $35 a month plan. Each time I try to call long distance, I get "you've used up all of your minutes", of something like that.


Mayor / Maire

@Denfer wrote:

I have the $35 a month plan. Each time I try to call long distance, I get "you've used up all of your minutes", of something like that.

@Denfer   - you should not be getting that message if you have a Canada Wide calling plan.

Try adding a '1' in front of the 10 digit number you are calling to see if that helps or makes the call complete.


If restarting your phone does not help, also try to toggle into airplane mode then back again.

Performing a Reset of your device's Network Settings is good to try as well.


If you can complete the call even with the message, ignore that message and hopefully things will reset to normal soon.


If you are unable to complete the call even after the trouble shooting suggested contact customer support (CSA) to check on your account.

Two methods to reach them here:



@Denfer   you are calling to other numbers in Canada?   You have Canada-Wide Calling and not just Provincial wide ?   Provincial wide calling was offered for a very brief time and some customers are still on that plan


Please try reboot your phone once.  It is a glitch and a reboot should help

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