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What exactly is 821 error? and why charged multiple times?


Seeing many posts about 821 error lately.  What exactly is this error and what caused the problem?  Just the server is busy and errored out?


Also, some of those with activation error , they tried again and hence got charged multiple times.  With one sim one activation, how the system charged them multiple times?


I understand the situation in kiosk, which I was there seeing it firsthand once.  When the  activation errored out , the kiosk staff was "nice" enough to try with  another SIM and caused the multiple charges.  But many of those who posted the questions seems to be activating at home with a single SIM, why the system still charging them more than once?


Mayor / Maire



That 821 error seemed to start around March 2021.


This is when PM was making those Provincial Only plans. Also, the new Activation Pages started soon after.


So likely linked to the backend of PM's systems that they were working on; and as a result this error is popping up - but that is just a guess.




My understanding is of there being a activation server issue that specifically affects people who attempt number porting and causes the possibility of the customer being charged more than once. In the situation of a customer being charged multiple times for the same account activation, the customer needs to contact a Public Mobile moderator.  The moderator is to arrange a refund to be completed within 3 to 5 business days.

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