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WOW! Rogers Average Revenue Per Account (ARPA) was $124.31, up an astonishing $8.25 year over year.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Rogers is making a killing on their Share Everything plan accounts.


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

thats what you have to shell out if you want 'best quality' service in canada.


rogers dont just spend millions on a year on these ads for nothing, canadians have a fallacy in their mind that if they think they go with the big 3 they get the best coverage simply b/c they control 90% of the market.


granted, alot of the population that lives outside of the majority cities in every province is simply stuck with any of the big 3.


and us PM users can show to others that lives in urban cities that you dont need to spend $150 per month to get 4gb when you can use PM and still practically get the same service!


Unless you feel the need to have access to call into a call centre and vent your frustration once in a while then i guess the $150 is well spend (maybe?)

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire



Me neither.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I've never seen ARPA used as a metric before

Really??? $125 / 2 lines = $62.50 per phone (or $52.50 with no hardware subsidy)

Heck the "Super Deal" over here at Public was $40 per line

So $80 is your bare minimum with 2 lines, then you need to factor in your hardware cost since must buy seperately


Even an el cheapo Samsung A5 runs you close to $500 (so avg of +$20 per month) forget about any kind of S8 or anything good


The post that was linked is pure click bait false news 


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire



I think I got ahead of myself with the data overage rate, however overages for a majority of wireless users in Canada is a common occurrence definitely driving up either the ARPA or ARPU, (I agree ARPA is a bit mis-leading).


I personally think $125 for 2 lines is a ludicrous amount to pay.  And I obviously was less impressed with my $150/month, even with subsidized phones.  The "Stream-Saver", while a great concept, will also give people a false sense of sucurity when it comes to using data and possible overages.  It is still incumbant on people paying attention to their usage in order to stay with in their data limits, though it's a nice gesture by Rogers.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I guess it is good that Rogers will have a new feature "Stream Saver" which will help customers save data. This is supposed to help customers stream more while using less data.

Even with bundling, lets just say you live in one of those "special" provinces who gets huge discounts


$50 x 2 users = $100

Now add on at least +$10 per line for a hardware subsidy & you are at $120 per month


So as I said a stated ARPA of $125 is nothing (my account includes US roaming and free iPhones for that price range)


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire



Very true.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I am wondering if, the "Devil is in the details" with this one.


The ARPA (different than ARPU), can be very high if y'all bundling with family. I have friends out in Manitoba and they're paying $150/month between mom and dad and daughter. 


A better breakdown is ARPU and what one gets with that. Again, the devil is in the details. A high or low ARPU is meaningless if it is linear with what the plan offers. 


An example, family of four goes for Freedom Mobile, $40 LTE at 6GB per month, times for line. Total costs $152 per month ($2/line discount) and 6GB for each user, 24GB in total, but none shareable. 


I know with my friend, I think it was 10GB for $150 between the 3 lines - that includes the 'subsidization of the phone' (mind you, this is Manitoba, NOT Ontario). 


With share everything plans, or in Freedoms case, discount for multiple lines, we're going to see the ARPA increase.  I think in many of the US states ARPA is creeping closer to $150!  (Verizon is just a little over $140USD)


This is a rather strange metric.  Without separating out how many plans in each account, the number means nothing.  With share everything accounts being so prevalent, the minimum number of plans is two.  Let's not forget Apple and Samsung helping out with the inflated hardware pricing.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@kav2001c This was my thought exactly. ARPA shouldn't be confused with ARPU. Super misleading since you could have 5 lines on one account.


Actually, come to think of it, I've never even heard of anyone in the industry ever use ARPA as a measure. It sounds made up. Smiley LOL

@Taekgun how would stats from last year be impacted by a price increase from this year?


@Taekgun wrote:


The $124.31/ARPA I think is a direct result of data overages because $7/100MB adds up quick.  Unbelievably high prices for wireless in Canada. 


The ARPA sounds bad but it really depends what you get

I have a 2 line account under Telus that I happily pay $125 for


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Exactly why I left Rogers.  My bill kept creeping up and up.  I had been there for 8 years and it was very frusterating, and when I left they had me at $150 for my wife and I on a Premium 2 year Share Everything Plan fwith 6GB.  When I called them to ask what they could do about the price, I was told I was apparently on "a targeted plan" that wasn't accessible to others - essentially told that I had it too good and there was nothing else they could do for me.


The $124.31/ARPA I think is a direct result of data overages because $7/100MB adds up quick.  Unbelievably high prices for wireless in Canada. 

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