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Total newbie

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hey all - can someone shed some light cause I'm a little confused.  First off I'm with Bell - and they are literally giving it to me up the #$%.  I somehow found PM and trying to navigate the plans and what they mean.  No contracts but you pay either every month or every 90 days? 

Sorry - not very mobile plan savy apparently.  Any advice would be great.



Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire



You can send them  a private message. I've tagged them on this message. 



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

how do i get in touch with a moderator? 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

You get the same network as Bell and Telus. 🙂

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

just to add one more thing you need to bring your own phone unlocked or locked to telus or koodo.


depending on your phone if android you can usually get it unlocked via eaby for $4-$8, if iphone you need to get bell to unlock it which costs %50 -$80 (don't remember exact price).


you can buy sim cards a wow mobie or walmart locations they cost $10




Small addendum to @xCameron94x's excellent post is that you may renew your 90 day plan early if data runs out, but only by first making the necessary payment and then sending a private message to the moderator team with your phone number and an explanation.

If you plan to transfer your Bell number to PM I suggest you first read:

I have been with PM 3 years now and never had any issues with service. Hope your transition goes smoothly. Robot Happy

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Mayor / Maire

PM is all pre-paid, so you are paying in advance. The 30 day means you pay every 30 days, the 90 day plans mean you pay every 90 days. I would not recommend the 30 day plans.


If you choose a 90 day plan with data, the data is for the whole 90 days, not every month. So it does give you more flexabiluty over data, but once you run out you either need to buy an add on, or wait until your next cycle.


So if you have a plan with 6GB. That 6GB is usable over the whole 90 days. You could use 1GB in 30 days, and still have 5GB left over the other 60 days


The only customer support you have with PM, is online. So you do not have access to a call center 



Customer Support Agent

Hey @Bonniefleming!


Welcome to the Community 😄 So here's how it works:


- We don't have contracts so you can cancel any time (by just simply stopping paying) 

- All our plans are prepaid

- We have 30-day plans and 90-day plans

- We have plans with 3G data speeds and plans with 4G data speeds (you can read more on that here!) 


I hope that helped clarify your doubts in regards to our plans. Don't hesitate to send us a private message if you have any other questions! 🙂 




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