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Texting a picture

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hello All

As early as of a week ago, when I text a picture, it required mobile data to be ON.

When I put the Data ON, it charges my Data when I MMS! about 2M each text

When I use the WiFi, all is good I could send with NO data cost

I have Android 12 phone

The following set up:

Name: Public Mobile


MMSC proxy:


MMS port: 8799

MCC: 302

MNC: 220

I appreciate all your feed back ... Thanks in advance


@Jamal343 wrote:

So where did my data usage go? 

Are you saying these charges are Okay? and there is no problem here!

There is a usage amount of 5MB that floats back and forth between used and not used. It's a design flaw of the usage counter, but it entirely unrelated to MMS usage.  MMS usage does not show up in that number at all.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

after a refresh, I get the data charges down to less than 1 MB from 6.05 MB

I guess that is acceptable, right?

@Yummy Thanks again for your response



@Jamal343 wrote:

@will13am , The majority of the time I am within my WiFi, as a result, I do NOT get any data charge when I send a SMS or MMS. However, the usage of 6.05 MB, showed after I sent 2 messages while shopping at Costco, each message contain a picture.

Perhaps you have a different APNs than mine, do you mind sharing your APN Info.

@Yummy kindly, suggested that these charges will go away over night, I will check it out tomorrow to confirm for the board.

Thanks in advance

I use the same APN.  It is not like there is one where there is no proxy server for MMS.  By chance are you using RCS and not MMS?  RCS does use mobile data.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So where did my data usage go? 

Are you saying these charges are Okay? and there is no problem here!

@Jamal343 wrote:

@Yummy , if the following (below) usage got revised, I will accept your post as SOLUTION

Personally I don't use any data (@ %99 of the time), below charges showed after sending 2 texts with Pics!




MMS usage doesn't get "reversed"  It never shows up in that counter to begin with.  There is an amount of about 5MB that does get "reversed", but that is unrelated to MMS.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@will13am , The majority of the time I am within my WiFi, as a result, I do NOT get any data charge when I send a SMS or MMS. However, the usage of 6.05 MB, showed after I sent 2 messages while shopping at Costco, each message contain a picture.

Perhaps you have a different APNs than mine, do you mind sharing your APN Info.

@Yummy kindly, suggested that these charges will go away over night, I will check it out tomorrow to confirm for the board.

Thanks in advance

@Jamal343 wrote:

@Yummy , if the following (below) usage got revised, I will accept your post as SOLUTION

Personally I don't use any data (@ %99 of the time), below charges showed after sending 2 texts with Pics!



Do you have WiFi assist on?  That could explain small amounts of mobile data consumption.  In any event, there is no way that MMS can be counted when it has to go through the unmetered proxy server.  


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Yummy , if the following (below) usage got revised, I will accept your post as SOLUTION

Personally I don't use any data (@ %99 of the time), below charges showed after sending 2 texts with Pics!




@Jamal343 wrote:

@will13am Until last month, you were %100 right, as of last week or so

Only the MMS with no WiFi are going to metered Data usage!

WiFi does not affect MMS because it always routes through the unmetered proxy server.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@will13am Until last month, you were %100 right, as of last week or so

Only the MMS with no WiFi are going to metered Data usage!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hello Yummy

Are you Saying It does charge My Data, then removes the Data use charged the second day!

If this is the case, I have no problem 🙂

but I sure last cycle the charges was NOT corrected, or at least some if it!!


@Jamal343 , the data usage you are seeing in your account does not include MMS usage.  MMS goes through a proxy server that is unmetered.  

Mayor / Maire

Sending/receiving MMS should not use your data allowance but Data has to be On in order to send/receive. This usage should be reversed overnight.

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