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THESE are what PUBLIC Should be Focusing on, NOT THESE senseless and horrible games

Mayor / Maire

PUBLIC should STOP the Ready-Made Plan and 3G Plan Nonsense and all these Koodo Text Jump Utter shameful and disgraceful acts, which I believe Borders on Treachery


Public needs to FOCUS on:

  • Sorting OUT the BUGS and Glitches
  • Revamping the Self-Serve Portal
  • Increasing the methods of Payments, like Paypal
  • OFFER Truly GLOBAL Roaming Packages
  • OFFER MORE Countries in International Long-Distance beyond the 18 Original List
  • Diversify their Promos to be MORE Coimpetitive
  • MORE Transparancy, and Openness
  • OFFER LTE Calling as well
  • HAVE an Option where IF PPL go on extended vacation, put Plan in Hibernation, ESPECIALLY If on a PROMO Plan so PPL do NOT FORFEIT LIKE the Famous $120 Plan
  • OFFER MORE LONGER Term Cycles, like 120 or 180 Day terms
  • EXPAND the Rewards beyond the ones CURRENTLY in Circulation
  • EXPAND ways how to ORDER Add-On's, like using Texting as well as Call *611, 1-855-4PUBLIC, Web
  • CREATE an PUBLIC MOBILE Mobile App to better manage accounts
  • ALLOW PM Clients to manage Multiple A/C UNDER Single Email and Username instead of the Individual Mandate
  • OFFER More Add-On's Data like 500MB, 750MB, 2GB
  • EXPAND the Option where PM Clients can look for BETTER #'s when choosing OR Changing Phone Numbers
  • Using the Text to check on Data remaining, Long-Distance Min Remaining
  • Enhance the ability to have 2 Payment Options attached, ONE for Paying Plan, other for Add-ON's
  • Ability to Print Payment History, and PERHAPS Revamp the Payment History, make it MORE Easier to FULLY Understand
  • Retain the TRUST of the PM Clients
  • OFFER MORE Robust and Loyalty retaining Plans
  • OFFER Student-Oriented Plans and Prices, and BETTER Data options FOR Students
  • Introduce an OPTION in SELF-SERVE where IF You have an Add-On and run out, Have a way WHERE PM Clients can have the Reload of Add-On's done AUTOMATICALLY
  • ADD the 5G OR, SKIP to 6G and make a PUBLIC Network that actually works for ALL, NOT THE FEW
  • MAYBE PUBLIC SHOULD Consider having a BYOD Postpaid Option TOO, If that's what will KEEP Public Kickin and Screamin

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Remember that "3g" speeds is actually LTE with a cap of 2.5? Mbps. 3G on the Telus network is actually from 2-30mbps (in my experience). 


So PM 3g speed plans should have been called LTE lite (credit to another user for suggesting this before). 


Anyways it's not old hardware is just LTE with a cap.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


I agree with most of this but the 3G plans seem really smart to me, why not use the old hardware at a lower price point?

Completely agree. Although I don't personally use the 3G plans, due to being on the great $40/4gb plan, I would totally pay less for slower speeds. The truth is, the speeds aren't that much slower, and I rarely watch any videos on my phone, and when I do, it's not like i'm streaming 4k or anything, 360p/480p looks just fine on my phone. As long as you aren't doing any intense gaming, or watching 4k videos, 3g works fine for everything else.

@makkahn28 Since we no longer have Public Lab for suggesting ideas, please keep your suggestions into one topic you previously created instead of creating a new one. I just don't want others to treat different boards for suggesting ideas. 

I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

What's your opinion IF PUBLIC had a POSTPAID option as well, JUST DIFFERENT


Take the Current Public Model


WHAT IF PM had a FIRST POSPAID Model that's VERY Unique, something UNTRIED in Postpaid BUT in PUBLIC Prepaid


  • BYOD ONLY, No Stores, Not Selling Cells, Etc
  • ONLY Sims
  • NO Monthly, USE The PM Prepaid Cycles
  • NO CALL Centers, USING Community as means of Resolution
  • INSTEAD of the USUAL Grace Period, of a FEW Months, MAKE it LIKE 7-14 DAYS to top BEFORE A/C is Suspended
  • NO Credit Checks as like Prepaid
  • Treat Roaming as Add-On's Only, like how PM Prepaid is doing
  • HAVE MOST Functions included like Forward Calling, Caller ID, Things like that, Including Voicemail
  • TAKE The Best of Postpaid, Simplify them in what would be HOW Prepaid PM is doing, this way, something Completely different

What's your opinion IF PUBLIC had a POSTPAID option as well, JUST DIFFERENT


Take the Current Public Model


WHAT IF PM had a FIRST POSPAID Model that's VERY Unique, something UNTRIED in Postpaid BUT in PUBLIC Prepaid


  • BYOD ONLY, No Stores, Not Selling Cells, Etc
  • ONLY Sims
  • NO Monthly, USE The PM Prepaid Cycles
  • NO CALL Centers, USING Community as means of Resolution
  • INSTEAD of the USUAL Grace Period, of a FEW Months, MAKE it LIKE 7-14 DAYS to top BEFORE A/C is Suspended
  • NO Credit Checks as like Prepaid
  • Treat Roaming as Add-On's Only, like how PM Prepaid is doing

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


@makkahn28, after what has transpired in the last 36 hours most of what you posted is a dream .It is very clear what the future is for pm.  Rewards for referrals, autopay and loyalty not part of the pricing I can see them target those and take them awayfrom


I think they will go after rewards and referral as well. First step would be to remove referral and autopay for new accounts. That would hardly cause a fuss - well compared to what we’ve seen. 



Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

 I bet if everyone moved to Koodo the CEO would want to "look busy" and come up with a genious plan to create a value brand with no phone customer service to save money... Oh ..


@makkahn28, you are still here?  I thought you would be out the door with the Koodo migration offer seeing how much fault you are finding with this service.  Seriously, the timing for this diatribe is terrible.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

As Telus CEO clearly stated, the focus now is on moving customers up the value chain. Forget about any of these delusions about improvements in PM, don't waste time about suggestions on how to improve service. The focus is completely opposite - how to dilute the service, as been happening with 3G service, dropping call centre for legacy plans, attempts to push off people, etc. If you have ideas like that, those are the ones Telus is interested in. From here it will only be downhill. 

Bear in mind that Public Mobile is not Telus.  Public Mobile works for Telus.


Just as you are not your boss.  You only work for your boss.

(Well, unless you're a self-employed entrepreneur, then congrats, although then instead of working for bosses you work for clients.  But I digress.)

Personally, I think that Telus is behaving like how Sears Canada, Target Canada, Demanding Too MUCH, Giving TOO Little




We're paying Way TOO MUCH, we're Dying out there, and I feel like we're NOT being Respected, Acknowledged or cared for Adequately or Correctly.


This needs Bold Leadership 


NOT some Martha Stewart living

Of course


BUT, I feel PM/Telus Might pull something that would be more Grievance, More disheartening, Sour Tasting, Unkind.


Perhaps Tel Us has been Telling Us too many Wild Stories of The Rich and famous.


Time for the PUBLIC to be the Bold and the Beautiful, and Take back Public for the New Republic

James Cromwell?  I don't think most actors are good for solving or doing anything off-screen, lol.  Except for maybe being entertaining distractions or figureheads in politics.


But more seriously, it's easy to criticize PM because we easily see and are sometimes obstructed or frustrated by any detail which "doesn't work".  It's not so easy to criticize all the details they've implemented which actually "do work" perfectly well.  PM is never going to be truly perfect, it can't be, it's impossible to please everybody.  But it can (and does) tend to strive for improvement ... ignoring a few blunders and fiascos (and not just the ones people are still screaming for blood over but also those which stirred things up and settled long, long ago).


My criticism is meant to be constructive.  I criticize what I perceive to be seriously deficient areas which need serious attention.  Not to complain, but to hopefully improve.  Just as you did when calling out your criticisms.


One thing I do disagree with you about is that I don't fault PM for lack of transparency and honesty.  This isn't the first time I've seen them admit to making a mistake or back down from a dangerously unpopular new idea.  Yeah, they screw up from time to time.  And I can tell a lot of PM customers feel betrayed and deceived right now.  But I defy you to find any other Canadian cellphone provider who'll openly confess the same to their customers.

@Korth, just curious, do you think James Cromwell can sort out these ISSUES?


I think PM Clients needs a James Cromwell-like person to PUT PM Back on track


Perhaps also Judge Dredd too.


Just not the Hague


BUT, What Law Offices would represent the PUBLIC?


Law offices Haagen and Daz?

Mayor / Maire


PUBLIC should STOP the Ready-Made Plan and 3G Plan Nonsense and all these Koodo Text Jump Utter shameful and disgraceful acts, which I believe Borders on Treachery


Public needs to FOCUS on:

  • Sorting OUT the BUGS and Glitches
  • Increasing the methods of Payments, like Paypal
  • CREATE an PUBLIC MOBILE Mobile App to better manage accounts
  • Using the Text to check on Data remaining, Long-Distance Min Remaining
  • Ability to Print Payment History, and PERHAPS Revamp the Payment History, make it MORE Easier to FULLY Understand
  • Introduce an OPTION in SELF-SERVE where IF You have an Add-On and run out, Have a way WHERE PM Clients can have the Reload of Add-On's done AUTOMATICALLY

I strongly agree with these points.  The others have merit, but to be honest I can see a whole lot of them being too niche or too unworkable.  Then again, it's a "community", and the demands of the community should not be dismissed lightly.


PM has no kiosks or phone support.  The "no frills" "no phone number" service model is all DIY, all online, and ideally involves minimal staff interaction.


It needs convenience for the customer - through text queries and status reports, printable billing, and yes, readable billing (written from the perspective of the customer, not that of the Big Corporation Accounting Department).  This is basic stuff, and it involves peoples's money, no bank or business would ever dare to be so sloppy.


It needs convenience for the customer through a Public Mobile phone app, one which functions as the all-in-one-click portal to the customer's account and information and (yes!) a direct path to PM support staff/moderators.  Instructing people to enter some weblink into their browser or to read some canned FAQs or to engage in rounds of email-tag over hours or days just isn't good enough when there's no fallback to any sort of real-time human interaction.  This ain't 2005 anymore.  An app can greatly simplify and expediate two-way communication between tech support and customer problem - the customer can see when his message has been read, the customer is notified when there's a response, the customer is able to immediately respond in turn ... just like text messaging ... it works.


It needs convenience for the customer by updating and fixing and debugging all known issues on the websites.  This is the customer's primary point of contact with the company, and if it doesn't work (hell, even if doesn't look good) then customers will be frustrated and unimpressed enough to google up an alternative.

This is NOT the Martha Stewart collection, And, Readymade Plans taste like Those TV Dinners that Hold Too Much Sodium

@makkahn28 its sad but the ready made plans are far easier for sheeple to understand


I Think Telus has crossed the line, and now this has become a case of Nastiness


Not sure Pepto Bismo can stop the 💓 Burn or Indigestion.


This is Going to get Uglier and Nasty IF This keeps going

As for the Koodo switching texts, I unsubribed from those long ago. I think they're annoying as well.  I don't expect my communications provider to use the service that I paying for to send me advertising.


I went a step further and even blocked all text messages from 5129, 611, and 7811, and I would also 5133 if I ever got a text from that.  But's that's another matter with all the duplicate and unecessary nag and reminder text messages from Public Mobile.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Shouldn't this post be under  'PUBLIC LAB' ? 

Oh, sorry... I guess that forum is gone.  ðŸ˜‰


@makkahn28, Sorry I have to laugh at the Federal Government make this a crime.  Not because you said it but as  Federal Employee the Government should be sued they can't even pay their own people properly.  Follow the Phoenix Pay FIASCO and this little blip in the radar here is nothing.  I have been dealing with incorrect pay issues for 23 months.  If any company didn't get their pay correct for even a quarter of that time the government would fine them and shut them down but as the Government they don't even have to follow their own rules and agreed upon Contracts.


Sorry for the Rant but the mention of Fed Gov and fines hits a nerve with me and 10,000's others who are affected by their incompetance

I have an idea, MAKE ME the GRAND Minister oof Canada


I'd have CANADA back on Track and schedule

@makkahn28, Sorry I have to laugh at the Federal Government make this a crime.  Not because you said it but as  Federal Employee the Government should be sued they can't even pay their own people properly.  Follow the Phoenix Pay FIASCO and this little blip in the radar here is nothing.  I have been dealing with incorrect pay issues for 23 months.  If any company didn't get their pay correct for even a quarter of that time the government would fine them and shut them down but as the Government they don't even have to follow their own rules and agreed upon Contracts.


Sorry for the Rant but the mention of Fed Gov and fines hits a nerve with me and 10,000's others who are affected by their incompetance


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


Too sad . they didn't hire you as their CEO.

You could lead them and make PM glowing

I think that's kind of the point. After this fiasco, it showed that Telus has zero intentions of growing Public Mobile. Pretty much it's alive for compliance reasons, they really just wanted PM for the spectrum. More public outrage, sooner they can just shut it down and move everyone to Koodo.


My conspiracy theory side tells me these are sabotage attempts. Some of the Koodo reps doing switches for people were starting rumours about PM shutting down.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

While I love the passion, PM is a budget, no frills brand. It is what it is. 


The only ask is they don’t screw their customers over and they’ve failed meeting that low bar pretty spectacularly over the past couple days. 


@makkahn28, after what has transpired in the last 36 hours most of what you posted is a dream .It is very clear what the future is for pm.  Rewards for referrals, autopay and loyalty not part of the pricing I can see them target those and take them awayfrom




Fed Gov should make it a CRIME, Punishable by a FINE of 75% of their Total Worth, REVOKE their Spectrum Licences, JAIL Time of LIFE Imprisonment


Message would BE CRYSTAL CLEAR


I agree with most of this but the 3G plans seem really smart to me, why not use the old hardware at a lower price point?

I have a BETTER Thought:


INSTEAD of the 3G Nonsense, which I compare to a 2 Tier system, like Health care, I think THEY CAN BETTER IMPLIMENT what they have


They're Mucking up, Ruining Everything.




not POPULIST Mobile


@makkahn28, after what has transpired in the last 36 hours most of what you posted is a dream .It is very clear what the future is for pm.  Rewards for referrals, autopay and loyalty not part of the pricing I can see them target those and take them awayfrom



I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I agree with most of this but the 3G plans seem really smart to me, why not use the old hardware at a lower price point?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Too sad . they didn't hire you as their CEO.

You could lead them and make PM glowing

Mayor / Maire

THESE would be the DON'TS:


  • STOP the KOODO Swicheroo Texts, as they're Insulting as well as Disgusting
  • STOP Focusing TOO MUCH on these Ready-Made Nonsense, Makes Martha Stewart look like a Sainte
  • STOP this 3G Plans, More like the Joker, and NOT as Sincere
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