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Super quick reply from CS_Agent

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'd like to throw a digital bouquet to the PM CS_Agents that are scrabbling in the background solving porting issues after a busy Black Friday weekend.

My port from Koodo to PM was still stuck after 3 hours. Neither of the numbers were in service. I submitted a ticket at 2:30am expecting to wake up early to reply to the ticket.

Imagine my surprise when I instantly received a response (no joke, under a minute) that my port was completed and working. (When just 5 minutes previously both numbers were "not in service".)

Made my day.

Thanks Michelle!




Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I had quick replies this morning also.  My son has also been working on getting his number ported and it appears that also happened this morning.  

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@6uv1 that is awesome! Thank you for sharing your story!

Mayor / Maire

Wow that is excellent 👏 

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