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Sim Card Invalid

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

new card just bought today and trying to activate sons SIM and says invalid 


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

PM dosen't have any live agents or a call center.

You can contact a moderator through SIMon for help.

@NormaD2469 wrote:

Sim card is still saying invalid , becauseof the error i got when setting up the account , but the issue now is it took the money out of the bank account for payment ,but when trying to log in ,it says no account set up for that email address ,so public mobile took the money and now it is not attaching it to an account ???? help , any such thing as a live agent ,this is getting very frustrating 


@NormaD2469   Have you tried your SIM card in your phone to see if it works. 


You would need to contact moderators via SIMon here:


Type 'rep', select 'contact us', select 'submit ticket' and follow the rest of the prompts to finish submission.  They should be able to help you get your account and SIM activated.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Sim card is still saying invalid , becauseof the error i got when setting up the account , but the issue now is it took the money out of the bank account for payment ,but when trying to log in ,it says no account set up for that email address ,so public mobile took the money and now it is not attaching it to an account ???? help , any such thing as a live agent ,this is getting very frustrating 


@NormaD2469 wrote:

waited 2 hours ,cleared cache and cookies tried different browser still saying invalid Sim

If sim card number still invalid, you will need to exchange. It was used before.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

waited 2 hours ,cleared cache and cookies tried different browser still saying invalid Sim

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

thank you

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@NormaD2469 wrote:

new card just bought today and trying to activate sons SIM and says invalid 

Retart your browser and start over again.

Double check the SIM card 19 digits serial number.

If failed, wait 1 hour and try it again.

If failed again, bring it back to the store for exchange.

Mayor / Maire

@NormaD2469 wrote:

new card just bought today and trying to activate sons SIM and says invalid 

Wait one hour before retrying.  Also try a different browser and clear your cache/cookies and use incognito mode.

Mayor / Maire

@NormaD2469 wrote:

new card just bought today and trying to activate sons SIM and says invalid 

@NormaD2469  That happens when during the activation something goes wrong and the session lock is still active. If you wait for about an hour the lock will clear and you should be able to complete the activation.

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