11-06-2017 02:18 AM - edited 01-05-2022 03:31 AM
my plan is up to date and paid i just looked my girlfriends phone is doing the same i tryed rebooting no luck plz advise all local calls are acting like there long distance and wont go threw
11-07-2017 08:02 PM
@UnIbOnGeR wrote:and service is down again anyonme else having problems?
Mine is working fine. Reboot your phone just in case. If it's been doing that for a while, get in touch with the moderators, as noted above.
11-07-2017 07:57 PM
and service is down again anyonme else having problems?
11-06-2017 12:08 PM
yup it worked around 1030am
11-06-2017 11:52 AM - edited 11-06-2017 11:53 AM
@UnIbOnGeR @mayhem128 @Roxlee @jksun @jivenrai @swiftypahk @princesun I just heard from the moderators that this was an outage and should be resolved now. Could you please try again? If still not working, try rebooting your phone and test again.
11-06-2017 05:19 AM
ya im in vancouver aswell.. and i jus convinced my girlfreind to swap to pm... but looking at the community its not a normal thing obviously its a glitch to ride out
11-06-2017 04:49 AM
Same thing happening on my account. I can't make any calls. Hope this gets resolved soon.
11-06-2017 04:33 AM
I have same problem rite now!
11-06-2017 04:31 AM
Actually, I've been hit with this bug now as well. I tried adding 1 or +1 in front of the number but that's not making any difference with this glitch.
Heads up, @CS_Agent. Looks like this is affecting many customers at the same time now. Hopefully, PM can get this bug under control soon before it gets out of hand.
To those affected, you should get in touch with moderators by private message using the link I posted above. Don't forget to include your account details like I mentioned in that post.
11-06-2017 03:54 AM
Having the same issue, in Vacnouver as well
11-06-2017 03:50 AM - edited 11-06-2017 03:51 AM
Same issue here in Vancouver on my wife's phone. My PM phone is working fine. Tried rebooting and toggling carrier on and off but no luck. Will take incoming calls but outgoing comes up with long distance addon message when dialing local call. Please help!!
11-06-2017 03:50 AM
same here
11-06-2017 03:34 AM
Same, in Vancouver
11-06-2017 03:03 AM
Getting the same error as well on three different phones using the public mobile network
11-06-2017 02:56 AM - edited 11-06-2017 04:12 AM
You should get a moderator to check your account. Click this Moderator_Team link to send a private message for assistance. Include your PM SIM card number, e-mail address, and phone number.
More info on moderators: http://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Knowledge-Base/Updated-Contacting-our-Community-Modera...
11-06-2017 02:31 AM
I'm getting the same problem and I've seen another a moment ago. This may be a system wide problem that is corrected (hopefully) soon.