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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'm a bell customer


My SIM card was stolen yesterday and transferred to Public mobile with the name of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

please cancel this number in your systems



edited by computergeek541: phone number removed


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@mohbach wrote:

already done

they are trying to get back this number

they told me to contact you to cancel the number

A bad guy had SIMjacked your Bell account in order to pass the check by your bank 2FA authentication.  You should contact your bank(s) ASAP as well as Bell to call transfer your Bell number back to your Bell account.  Make sure to mention "your account was SIMjacked.  If Bell is still insist on your contact PM, ask to talk to a manager and say your number was SIMjacked.


Good luck.

Contact the Bell fraud department. I wish you luck as any experience I have had with them has been a horrible one!

Mayor / Maire

@mohbach  From the sounds of it you were sim jacked. If that is the case only Bell can get your number back. If it would be that easy to cancel an account by posting in a public forum then we would all be in trouble.


Hopefully you have contacted your banks, credit card companies and other online providers and ask them to freeze your accounts until you get your number back.

@mohbach wrote:

already done

they are trying to get back this number

they told me to contact you to cancel the number

The way things work is that Bell should be able to port your phone number back which closed the account on this end.  Nothing needs to be done here.  Just get Bell to do their thing.  That said, if you were to be able to get Public Mobile to cancel the account with your phone number, you will end up losing your phone number.  

@mohbach wrote:

already done

they are trying to get back this number

they told me to contact you to cancel the number

I don't work for Public Mobile. It's Bell's job to fix this and make all necesssary contact with Public Mobile. Carriers have systems and policies in place to handle stolen phone number situations and can reverse the process.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

already done

they are trying to get back this number

they told me to contact you to cancel the number

@mohbach wrote:

I'm a bell customer


My SIM card was stolen yesterday and transferred to Public mobile with the name of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

please cancel this number in your systems

You need to be contacting Bell Mobility customer service to fix this. They are responsible for fixing this and you shouldn't need to do the legwork to contact a company that you have no businesss relationship with.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


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