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Promo offers

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


I am extremely confused. Public Mobile has an offer right now for $29 Canada USA Mexico plan. Everybody in my immediate family and many of my friends are able to access this offer and have switched over. Unfortunately, it does not even show up as an option for me. I was told it was only for new subscribers. Why is it that they can switch over but I cannot?





Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I understand your comment to mean that you have referred many to PM. Even though they have made “downgrading” or getting a cheaper plan for lack of a better term near impossible, you may be able to start a conversation with a cs_agent and appeal to their good nature, using the fact that you’ve referred so many subscribers as leverage. No guarantees, but it won’t hurt you. Best of luck and I hope for the best outcome for you. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Good solution, but that would mean I’d lose a lot!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

It’s a hassle, BUT, you can port out to a different carrier and then back in as a “new” subscriber and choose the plan that you desire. You will lose any referrals and current plan minutes/gbs that are unused, but maybe it’s worth it to you? 

Mayor / Maire

@dibs73 wrote:


I am extremely confused. Public Mobile has an offer right now for $29 Canada USA Mexico plan. Everybody in my immediate family and many of my friends are able to access this offer and have switched over. Unfortunately, it does not even show up as an option for me. I was told it was only for new subscribers. Why is it that they can switch over but I cannot?




@dibs73 It is because you have a plan that costs more than $30. PM only allows you to change to plans in your app and very limited opportunities to down grade to a cheaper plan.

Mayor / Maire

@dibs73  unfortunately Public Mobile has made the offers eligible to certain plans only. If you don't see it, that means they will not allow you to switch to it.

You are probably on a higher plan than $29 so it won't be there for you.

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