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Private messages

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The cs agent asked me to reply via private message and I can’t find anywhere to respond to him via private message… I’ve never felt so helpless and  frustrated 


@hayl5892  Oh wow ok . Well thank for the update and we all happy to hear you got things sorted out 🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks all for the help very much appreciated and as I’ve replied to someone earlier things are looking up and was able to get a lot resolved today with a cs agent who I think was amazing at helping me and figuring out all the kinks and would respond quickly instead of waiting hrs for a simple response he was very attentive to the issue 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Finally got some resolution today with a  cs agent and have come to realize a few things 1) I had two different email address associated to my pm account and community account 2) the payment that was taken from my account right when I was about to pay it was a fraudulent transaction 3) apple also took a payment for a free trial that I had also been questioning so from this point pm is correcting the email issue (it will take up to 3 business days) what’s a couple more days when this is been going on since July 4th so I’ll be able to access my account and apply the new visa debit card and my bank is doing an investigation on the fraud transaction and apple is refunding the “free” app transaction so even though it’s not all completed and up and running atleast things are resolved and moving in the right direction and I’ll be getting a credit for the transaction so it’s like a win win situation:-) almost like a gift for the refunds lol 

@hayl5892   Yes very true . You have a great attitude at least . But your on the right track now 🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Oh it’s far from being resolved but atleast now I can connect to an agent… what’s a couple hrs! When it’s taken me 3/4 days just to get to this point! when I can’t use the phone to call incoming or outgoing and this also applies to txts except iMessages.. I can’t call iPhones but can communicate via txt with them on wifi no data. Been with pm 5 years and never once had a problem like this! hope it gets resolved it will suck having to change provides as I’m not big on change 

It sounds like you might be referring to an email notification that effectively tells you you have a private message. So then you need to come back here and deal with it. Sounds like you have so all good.

@hayl5892  No worries . This site takes some getting used to . To navigate it . We happy you got it figured out . Unfortunately you probably won’t hear back from them now until tomorrow as it closed 8am-10pm EST 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you it was just a bit confusing cause it said don’t reply to this message but had a reply section under the email and at the rate my lucks been going with this new converted app i was sure I would be doing it wrong 

@hayl5892  Click the message and it will open up and you can respond 

Click on the subject line and the message will come out in full. Then scroll down that and you'll see a text box. Start typing in it. Then you'll find a reply button in the vicinity.


Go to the reply message and type in your response on the bottom of the page in the Reply section.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

All I have is inbox and sent 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

But how do you respond to the message 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I’ve tried all I have is inbox and sent 


Mayor / Maire

The colour scheme is a little different now but the idea is the same.


Mayor / Maire


You can pm a CS_Agent by clicking on the envelope icon on your computer or click on your avatar top right then Messages>Pencil/Paper icon.

Mayor / Maire

Tap your avatar top of screen and messages 

Mayor / Maire

@hayl5892  Here’s how 

message support directly

while your already here and logged in the community you can send a private message   To CS_Agents click          

VVVVV      Link below    VVVVV


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