Personalized voicemail for forwarded calls
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06-23-2022 04:40 PM
I currently work from home 70% of the time and our business phone is forwarded to my personal cell. I've recently learned that when the call is not picked up, clients are hearing my personal cell voicemail instead of our work voicemail. Is it possible to create a voicemail solely for forwarded calls that are not picked up?
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06-26-2022 04:05 PM
You could essentially "disable" your voicemail by setting all 3 conditional call forwards to a dead-end to prevent them from reaching your voicemail.
For example: *004*0000000000# will cause unanswered calls to result in a fast busy or call failure instead of voicemail. Your business call centre or PBX may take this result as a signal to return the call to the queue as it was not "answered" as far as the phone network is concerned, but you will have to test how it behaves.
Dial ##004# to restore your voicemail service to default. You could even setup speed-dials for these two combinations at the beginning/end of your work shift.
The other option is configuring your Public Mobile voicemail service with an "Extended Absense Greeting" - when you enable this announcement, you have the additional option of preventing people from leaving messages. So this announcement could be more customized for a work call during business hours.
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06-24-2022 01:12 PM - edited 07-03-2022 12:42 PM
1. As long as you don’t have to call out, how about a new $15 plan with a work related voicemail as plan has unlimited inbound calls. Requires another phone though.
2. Lots can be done with a account as well.
3. Does employer pick up any of your costs?
4. My daughter works from home and they supply a phone and a plan fully paid.
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06-23-2022 05:02 PM
It can't know if the inbound call came via forwarding but there are conditionals like busy, no answer and unreachable. You can also customize each greeting for each conditional.
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06-23-2022 04:55 PM
@emillson wrote:Hi!
I currently work from home 70% of the time and our business phone is forwarded to my personal cell. I've recently learned that when the call is not picked up, clients are hearing my personal cell voicemail instead of our work voicemail. Is it possible to create a voicemail solely for forwarded calls that are not picked up?
This isn't a service that Public Mobile offers directly, but you can have calls forwarded to any Canadian phone number. These call forwarding settings can be used to send calls to a number of your choice that can have a different voicemail system attached to it.