11-16-2016 04:26 PM - edited 01-04-2022 06:25 PM
Hey guys, from what I see there are alot of people who need sim cards and might not get them in time. I fortunately activated mine right when the promotion came out. I realize that most of you are not very close to toronto or vancouver so here is what I am proposing. I live about an hour from toronto so I can go to toronto all day saturday and get the SIM card's for people who live far away. I will give you the sim card number so you can set it up from where ever you are on saturday and then mail them to you. That way everybody can get on this promotion before its finally over 🙂
I also have 5 SIM cards with me now that I could get set up for you right now. Just message me and I can get this SIM card sent to you.
I love this community and would be glad to help people out 🙂
Could a moderator maybe pin this post to the top so that people can see this option for them.
11-18-2016 12:12 AM - edited 11-18-2016 12:13 AM
opps wrong area.
11-17-2016 11:06 PM - edited 01-05-2022 12:33 AM
Everyone who still needs a sim card, Please refer to my post. http://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Discussions/People-Who-Need-Sim-Cards/td-p/97032
I got more in the mail and have 3 SIM cards left
11-17-2016 09:47 PM
@meekju1339 You should take your own advice... Those companies you speak of do have the same plan. Only that they are available out west for a few days. As the post above mentioned, there will be pros/cons for each company.
11-17-2016 07:07 PM
11-17-2016 05:25 PM - edited 11-17-2016 10:19 PM
@rsbaher Before telling people who don't know any better false facts at least get your facts straight. Neither of those companies have the same plans available to 90 percent of public mobile users unless they are out west. They are 40/month for 1gb of data for everyone else. You are making people second guess their service with PM when they shouldn't be.
11-17-2016 02:23 PM
I live in calgary too, You can have mine, but i warn you the customer service here is terrible, If you are only joining for the $40 plan on promo, Fido and Virgin have the exact same plan for the same price, I recomend going to them instead of here.
11-17-2016 02:08 PM - edited 11-18-2016 12:31 AM
Hi guys, I currently have 2 extra SIMs which I'll be able to send the card number to you before the promotion ends, and then send them out by mail to your address.
If you're interested please let me know by private messages.
11-17-2016 01:40 PM
11-17-2016 12:59 PM
Looking for 2 SIM cards in the west end Toronto area. If you have any available, please let me know.
11-17-2016 11:39 AM
Does anyone who has an extra SIM card? I live in Calgary. Please let me know.
11-17-2016 10:53 AM
i need one email me at anthonymitchell8376@gmail.com i live in toronto
11-17-2016 10:51 AM
i need one could some come to my location i live in toronto in the westend
11-17-2016 10:42 AM
11-17-2016 10:41 AM
I'm in the toronto area and would love to pick up a few sim cards from anyone who has them handy.
I will try to make it to the pickups tomorrow but I'm worried they might sell out early during the day so please let me know if anyone has any amount of simcards (im looking for about 5 for my family) please!
11-17-2016 10:15 AM
@Rockdaddy22 wrote:
Great post on the details...but, I suppose the 2 card limit per person will not allow me to help all the folks that have PM'ed me already.
I can understand the need to limit quantities, but if they can somehow ensure no hoarding, then we should assume all cards will be used for activation on the promo.
11-17-2016 10:11 AM
Hey all - I ordered the SIM card Nov 7 but still haven't received it for whatever reason 😞 Does anyone still have a SIM card they'd be willing to sell me?
11-17-2016 09:42 AM
11-17-2016 09:34 AM
I need a SIM card!! I'm in Toronto where can I pickup?
They said that it would be posted/announced this morning but nothing's been posted yet.
11-17-2016 08:01 AM
@kd I can get you a SIM card. I PM'd you
11-17-2016 04:11 AM
Thanks @Rockdaddy22, I neglected to mention I'm in Vancouver. Nothing posted on Kijiji.
I'm hoping Brooke who posted earlier in the thread will release some info on where to pick up cards this weekend. Also tried someone I found on Craiglist but no response yet. Really hoping to get in on this deal!
11-17-2016 03:56 AM
11-17-2016 03:47 AM
Hi all, any tips or leads on picking up a SIM before the promo ends would be much appreciated!
11-16-2016 09:43 PM
I have 2 sim cards in the Windsor, ON area if someone needs.
11-16-2016 09:31 PM
Thanks for the generous offer for people here. As a note I already have mine.
When I read this, I think about how safe it is to load a SIM card with money when you haven't received it in the mail. Then I thought about it this way for anybody worried, if that card doesn't make it to your house, you have the ability to suspend service on your self serve account. Now your promo will be loaded, and you can buy a new SIM card, and switch out the old sim number to the new one and re activate the account!
11-16-2016 09:24 PM - edited 11-17-2016 12:49 AM
I have two sim cards, private message me and i will send you the sim card number. will edit this post when they are gone.
My Sims have found a new home 🙂
11-16-2016 09:19 PM
@alannasonfire check your messages
11-16-2016 09:16 PM - edited 01-04-2022 06:26 PM
Hey guys if you need a sim card refer to my post a few minutes ago: http://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Discussions/People-Who-Need-Sim-Cards/m-p/97467#M27354
11-16-2016 09:07 PM
I am looking for a PM sim card for the promotion. It would be really nice of you, if you can send me the SIM # as well.
11-16-2016 09:06 PM
Hey @meekju1339 where do you live? I am in Hamilton and need a Sim card.
11-16-2016 09:04 PM
I PM'd you @alannasonfire