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Not getting any data on my phone.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have a Asus zenfone 3 zoom phone.  I'm only getting talk & text, but absolutely NO data.

I have checked all my settings including preferred network settings several times.  Phone has been re-booted many times and still NO data reception.  Any suggestions.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


I overlooked the credit due to you for your solution page.  The info was perfect and once I rebooted my phone, data began to flow beautifully. I would like to mention to others in a similar situation to make sure you save the new settings in your phone APN before rebooting. Once again, thank you for the great assistance.  


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello ShawnC13.

Thank you  very much for the solution. It was spot on.  I now have data galore. Solution was perfect.  Once I entered the APN info manually and rebooted, data was instant.  Cheers.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello Everyone. 

The solution in the community page from shaw13 was spot on. I'm now getting data at 4g speed. 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@ShawnC13, @will13am thanks for the clarification,  I remembered the a and the z of the shawn's phone but not the rest.


I like the soapy reference. 🙂 will remember for next time.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I'm guessing that data hasn't ever worked in your Zoom.


I have two of these phones and both needed to have the APN added manually. Follow the link in @will13am's post to do so and you'll be good (reboot afterwards). 


If data HAS been working but suddenly stopped, check your plan to see if you've gone over your limit.


@will13am, you must be talking about the "Acer Liquid Zest" which is definitely one of the oddest names for a phone. I'm pretty sure it's not waterproof nor resistant either so no idea what the thought was when they came up with that name. Daughter has this one (the "Plus" one) and loves it so not gonna argue. 🙂

@mimmo, I do not have this phone I am  a recent windows Convert to the Essential phone and my wife has as @will13am states the soapy phone Acer Liquid Zest Plus.


@rickvnbc, one thing to make sure is that mbile data is turned on.  I know a silly statement but it does happen where it isn't.  This is what I could find for APN settings for this phone



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@rickvnbc wrote:

I have a Asus zenfone 3 zoom phone.  I'm only getting talk & text, but absolutely NO data.

I have checked all my settings including preferred network settings several times.  Phone has been re-booted many times and still NO data reception.  Any suggestions.

This sounds like either an APN settings issues or a limit has been set on data usage.  There have been many threads on APN settings over the years.  This one is as good as any.  As for checking whether data usage has reached a set limit, the menus are sometimes phone dependent.  In the settings, there should be a data usage screen where warnings and limits can be set.  Make sure the limit is not preventing further data usage.


@mimmo, I don't recall Shawn mentioning that he has this phone.  He has one of those soapy sounding phones and more recently the essential phone. 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

hi did data work before?  if yes then probably you have used all your data.


if you are new then if you have created a new APN and insertred the proper APN setting then you might need to do a network setings reset or a  factory reset.


also make sure you see the data addon in your self serve.


I remember others having similar issues with the zen  search the forum for your phone.


@ShawnC13  you have a zen i think any suggestions?

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