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Locked out of self serve

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Forgot my security question answer, now locked out. What should I do?


@van604 wrote:

Reason I was trying to login is that I got charged this month for the service. I signed on over Black Friday promotion, this month should have been free and I got charged. Not happy with that. 

That promo was for new customers only.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Reason I was trying to login is that I got charged this month for the service. I signed on over Black Friday promotion, this month should have been free and I got charged. Not happy with that. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

This is a very common issue and have replied many times. Only way to resolve it is to contact moderators by clicking ?, bottom right, and follow instructions to submit a ticket. They should respond within a few hours or a day.

Mayor / Maire

@van604 It's not often someone forgets their password and security question at the same time but it happens. Are you sure it isn't just a capitalization issue? @CS_Agent can help as stated, but currently I think you'll be getting a solution tomorrow.


If  you don't want to wait that long, you can wait an hour and try your password again. Or maybe tell us some background and we can give you some ideas.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

You will need to contact the mods using ? at lower right of screen.  Give them your phone number, account number if you have it, your address.  They will need to verify who you are before they can do anything.  Cheers

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