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Locked out and unable to private message

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am locked out of my main account and had to create a secondary account to post this question. I am unable to private message or contact an agent to unlock my main account. This is after repeated attempts after waiting an hour to reset password, enter my old password. Each time I try to reset password it says my account is locked out even after 24hrs of waiting


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

They closed my ticket but I was unable to reach them again when their reset link failed to login

Hi @dcheng4114 

Because it's Black Friday weekend, it's super busy for them. Plus they are overseas and it's the weekend so there could be limited staff. You can go to your SENT folder and reply asking for an update.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@Chalupa_Batman how long do they take to respond? I submitted yesterday a request to unlock and merge the accounts. Thanks

Mayor / Maire

Hi @dcheng4114 

You can reach a CS Agent here to combine the two accounts together.

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