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LG G5 bootlooping with PM sim

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

This is a stange one.


just activated a new PM simcard and when it i put into the G5 it goes into an endless boot loop.


Phone history


1) LG g5 2 months old purchased from koodo ( no boot loaders etc all orrginal)

2) phone was unlocked and fido sim was used

3) ported from fido to PM

4) if I put my PM sim in it loops

5) if i put the fido sim in it boots up fine.

6) If koodo sim it loops


going to try a factory reset.  any other ideas?












Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I can confirm the factory reset resolved the issue.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Google it... This is a known issue with that model... don' think it has anything to do with PMobile...Robot Sad

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm currently experiencing this issue with the LG G5. Previously locked to Koodo, it was unlocked and used with Freedom Mobile for about a month. Now with the new PM sim card, it will not boot normally. I get the Android is Starting message and after 100%, it reboots and does it all over again. I'm afraid I may have to perform a factory reset.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@ckl I've definitely seen it with both the G4 and G5, here in the forums.  

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@WearySkyThat's strange. I never had this issue coming from Wind on my LG G3. Maybe they changed it in subsequent models.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@ckl not with LG phones.  This has come up multiple times, where LG phones from other providers that are switched over to PM just CANNOT get data working, even with correct APN settings.  The only fix is a factory reset.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@mimmoSometimes the data not working is just a missing APN (Access Point Name) entry. Go into settings->more-> mobile networks -> Access Point Names and make sure there's an entry for PM. APN should start with


If the APN is not there, then you need to manully add the APN. I've included the link to the APN settings for your reference:

Mayor / Maire
Sounds like the phone issue not the sim issue. But just to troubleshoot, can you please your PM sim in another cell and check if everything is OK?

If the other phone doesn't work with the PM sim then it may be a bad sim and you can ask the mods for a replacement sim or buy one online.

But if the other phone works well with the PM sim then your phone has issues. Try booting up your sim without any sim and see if it boots up without issues and then insert PM sim, turn on airplane mode and off and see if it works.

Good luck.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

So the reset worked. but had the koodo sim in the phone and didnt have the useres account info to bypas the LG security lock.  but once done it seemed to work.  popped in the PM Sim and data was not working.  then rememnered teh old LG data not working threads requiring a factory reset to get data working.  so resetting teh phone again with the PM sim card in, hopefully it works this time round.  all this hassle for a $1/m referral, and saving a friend some $$$.  Almost not worth it lol:)


This factory reset thing to get data working is a stupid "fearture".  Glad its not my phone else when i travel i would hate doing factory resets when ever i put i a new sim.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Try booting up the phone without the sim card in the phone and going into network settings/mobile operators (or something similar) and make sure it's set to "select automatically" or "auto" then try powering down, installing the sim and see if it boots then.

could it be similar to what happens with samsung phones. A customer buys them "unlocked", but then when a sim card gets inserted it becomes locked to that carrier? I have heard a few stories about this, but not entirely sure if that is actually true or not.

Mayor / Maire

Odd, never heard of such thing, other memebers will be able to help you out more then I would. I am interested in what follows

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I wouldn't necessarily use "it was added to the lawsuit" as any kind of verifiable evidence that there are widespread bootloop issues with the G5 (or v20).  As far as I'm aware, there's nothing like the amount of bootloop issues with the G5 that were so prevalent in previous models.  


Edit: forgot to reply to the OP... Others have had issues requiring a factory reset on LG phones in general, if they were previously used on other networks... But that was to get data working, never any issues of boot loops.  I mean, it certainly won't hurt (and I've hurt LG's backup software is very good)


Lol, isn't boot loop a design feature for LG phones?  Samsung phones have this csc code, does LG have something similar?  Would a factory reset fix it.  If not, I would return it for warranty repair.

If you tried another Public Mobile sim card,  was it fine?


This sounds like something electrical, specific to that sim card, although I have no explanation as to why your Koodo sim card is also causing this.  I would imagine a corrupted mico-sd card could also cause such strangeness.

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