07-19-2020 02:16 PM - edited 01-05-2022 12:30 PM
Does the referee lose the reward until the account is unsuspended?
Solved! Go to Solution.
07-30-2020 12:15 AM
@computergeek541 wrote:
"Available funds in account" listed in the rewards account does not mean that you've earned it. This is only an approximation assuming that nothing changes for you reward-wise from now until the time of your renewal.
More confusing wording...
But I’m good with the wording of everything else now.
”Available Funds” is the Title of the area at the top that actually is guaranteed to stay put. It is funds that have cleared the monthly Rewards lines below and moved up to become actual $$ to pay for renewals, add-ons etc. Yeah normally it moves up and is used up within a couple of hours but in my case both of my accounts have had a running surplus since about last December due to the $20 per referral Promo awarded to the person making the referral.
07-29-2020 11:05 PM
@AE_Collector wrote:
Okay so the Rewards Area is more of a projection of what you may receive at renewal of your plan rather than an indication of what you have earned no matter what. Generally the Auto Pay and Loyalty (1-5 Years) shouldn’t be volatile but Referrals of course can be. It comes down to whether doing a referral is worth $1 for having done it OR only worth $1 if you are lucky enough to get to renewal before the Referral hits the road for Chatr or Lucky! The timing of your renewal determines that. Even if it is a couple of years later when your referral takes off, you may get one extra month or not depending on the timing. But.... minor details....
It's actually possible to refer someone but to legitimately (and correctly) to never receive any credits for that. This would happen if the new customer ended up not being happy with the Public Mobile service and ended up porting out before your next renewal.
07-29-2020 10:58 PM
@AE_Collector wrote:I guess my problem understanding what you are saying is related to the fact that funds can be sitting in two different places and neither of those places is titled “Account Balance”. The upper area is titled “Available Funds” And the lower area that breaks out your rewards into the four areas doesn’t have a title. I will call that area “Rewards Area” for the moment. I know how that all moves up to “Available Funds” during renewal. Is that what you mean by “Account Balance”? My thought is that once it shows up in the “Rewards Area” (lower section) its a done deal, you’ve earned it, its just wanting for your renewal to happen when it turns into actual $$ To help pay your bill. BUT, I could be wrong, even though my example shows $9 Referral Rewards that may be able to be lost before renewal happens. And speaking of accounts going inactive, we constantly hear of accounts failing to top up here on the community. Are these momentary failures causing people to lose a referral credit each time this happens?
Yes, a momentary glitch causing one of the people who your referred could cause you to lose refer-a-friend credits. However, this would only be the case if the referral's account was suspended while you were renewing.
"Available funds in account" listed in the rewards account does not mean that you've earned it. This is only an approximation assuming that nothing changes for you reward-wise from now until the time of your renewal.
07-29-2020 08:22 PM
@wetcoaster wrote:
As long as rewards are sitting in the rewards section, changes to the tally can happen. Rewards are only becoming "yours" once they are converted to available funds. Up to that point changes can happen to your referral rewards depending on the (in)activity of the people you've referred.
Okay so the Rewards Area is more of a projection of what you may receive at renewal of your plan rather than an indication of what you have earned no matter what. Generally the Auto Pay and Loyalty (1-5 Years) shouldn’t be volatile but Referrals of course can be. It comes down to whether doing a referral is worth $1 for having done it OR only worth $1 if you are lucky enough to get to renewal before the Referral hits the road for Chatr or Lucky! The timing of your renewal determines that. Even if it is a couple of years later when your referral takes off, you may get one extra month or not depending on the timing. But.... minor details....
07-29-2020 07:59 PM - edited 07-29-2020 08:30 PM
Yes, the Available Funds will increment by the correct amount and then the required amount for renewal will be withdrawn leaving some cash in Available Funds until you find a way to use it up. Either buying add-ons OR stepping up to a more expensive plan.
The example I posted back a bit in this topic showed $49 “Available Funds”. That was something like $100 in Available Funds last December after all the Promotions including the $20 Bonus per new referral to the referring person. It has slowly been dropping as it pays the extra for my $15 per month renewal on an account that now has $12/month in rewards but these rewards were less earlier in the year.
True, the largest amount was generated by Referral Promotion Bonus but I have another $15 account that has more than $15/month in regular credits and that account has an “Available Funds” total that is growing each month (over $200 now but don't tell anyone). I would normally have put that to good use on the $40/month plan from April through September for Cabin Time but that’s scrubbed for this year due to the cabin being south of the 49th!
07-29-2020 07:56 PM
@LurganIeUk wrote:
@computergeek541 wrote:
@AE_Collector wrote:Probably sounds convoluted but what I’m getting at is once the $$ has been added to your account but has not yet moved up to become available funds, this $ is yours even if someone suspends during this time frame?
The only thing that matters is the refer-a-friend reward amount listed when the funds gets added to your account balance right before the renewal. Once that happens, it doesn't matter for that renewal what happens if any of those referrals leave Public Mobile or go into suspended state, at least until it comes to your next time of renewal.
At the same, if any referrals are lost before the rewards are converted to available funds, you will not get any credit for them.
If your rewards of referrals, loyalty, auto-pay and community exceed your plan amount do those funds get added to your balance so you can use those funds for add ons?
Unless things have been reprogrammed very very recently, in step 1) the system converts all rewards into available funds without checking what plan you're on. Then, step 2), later in the night checks if available funds = (or >) plan cost, if available funds < plan cost it charges the difference from the card on file if applicable. Then step 3), even later, renews the plan if plan cost >= available funds. All three steps seem to be performed in batches before the system moves on to the next process.
So, for now, the flow chart seems to work in some customers' favour... but 🤐!!
07-29-2020 07:42 PM
@computergeek541 wrote:@AE_Collector The only thing that matter is the number active referrrals at the exact moment that the refer-a-friend credits are added to your account balance. Whatever happens to the referrals before and after that point makes no difference for that renewal about to occur.
Makes sense. So just say if you are in a $15 plan and have $2 for auto-pay, $2 for loyalty and $11 in referrals would it make sense to have 2 extra referrals? Thus my other question of what happens with reward funds that exceed plan amount?
07-29-2020 07:38 PM
@AE_Collector wrote:[...]
My thought is that once it shows up in the “Rewards Area” (lower section) its a done deal, you’ve earned it, its just wanting for your renewal to happen when it turns into actual $$ To help pay your bill.
As long as rewards are sitting in the rewards section, changes to the tally can happen. Rewards are only becoming "yours" once they are converted to available funds. Up to that point changes can happen to your referral rewards depending on the (in)activity of the people you've referred.
I help manage two additional accounts which show up as my referrals. Just after my last renewal the system "auto filled" the referral section with $2.
A couple of days later we put one of the accounts on hold with the "lost phone" function (since the person doesn't need the phone for the next several weeks, but has more than plan cost in available funds, the account would still auto renew even with auto pay off).
I immediately got a text saying that I lost a referral, and my referral rewards dropped to $1.
Once we reactivate the second account by clicking the "found" and "reactivate" buttons, that referral will be restored in my referral list, I'll get the text that I've gotten a referral, and, if both accounts are active at my next renewal, $2 referral rewards will be converted to available funds the night before my renewal.
From what I can tell the referral program now works as it was originally intended.
07-29-2020 07:37 PM
@computergeek541 wrote:
@AE_Collector wrote:Probably sounds convoluted but what I’m getting at is once the $$ has been added to your account but has not yet moved up to become available funds, this $ is yours even if someone suspends during this time frame?
The only thing that matters is the refer-a-friend reward amount listed when the funds gets added to your account balance right before the renewal. Once that happens, it doesn't matter for that renewal what happens if any of those referrals leave Public Mobile or go into suspended state, at least until it comes to your next time of renewal.
At the same, if any referrals are lost before the rewards are converted to available funds, you will not get any credit for them.
If your rewards of referrals, loyalty, auto-pay and community exceed your plan amount do those funds get added to your balance so you can use those funds for add ons?
07-29-2020 07:33 PM
@AE_Collector wrote:Well there was no notification of the recent “Clean up” they did of referrals. But I have not lost one to the best of my knowledge so far.
As for the timing, when MY account renews I instantly have my next allotment of loyalty, referral and autopay credits land in my account waiting to be moved up to available funds for my NEXT renewal. So during this 30 day period if a referral suspended and reactivated I’m assuming nothing would happen to these amounts. If my renewal happened while the referral was still suspended I would also assume the total amount would move up to available funds but the referral amount added immediately after my renewal would be down by $1. Probably sounds convoluted but what I’m getting at is once the $$ has been added to your account but has not yet moved up to become available funds, this $ is yours even if someone suspends during this time frame? The number of referrals only changes immediately after your renewal? If this is correct, then a 1 week suspension wouldn’t cost the person who made the referral anything unless the suspended account is suspended across renewal time? I bettter stop trying to clarify, its getting cloudier with each word I type!
My account dropped by $1 in referrals and the xxx-xxx-1234 number also disappeared from the list on PM because the user did a suspend. Also PM texted me of to not expect the referral credit due to a referral account being inactive.....did not specify phone number or what form the no activity it was. I had to cross reference all the numbers on PM to my excel list to find out who did the suspend. It seems that IF you had a referral that month you should get the $1 off BUT PM sees it differently and if the referral is there at payment time......that is when you will receive credit.
07-29-2020 07:23 PM
@computergeek541 wrote:
@LurganIeUk wrote:The missing referral re-appeared. As PM advised me that I temporarily lost the referral due to an 'account inactivity'.....it would be nice if PM would advise that the referral was re-instated! My friend had suspended his account for a week.
From my experience, they do advise you when a referral comes back. I don't believe that the text message notification about this is any different than that of a new referral though.
I've been noticing that lately, when the refer-a-friend credit drops in monetary amount, there has recently been a lack of notification about that.
On the other morning I received a text at 9 am BC time which seems to be the norm for a new referral....cha Ching.....I knew I had the referral from checking the night before but must have been too late for a text. I like that as some one has put some real good common sense to not send texts when it may disturb you. And on that next day my friend informed me that he had removed his suspend. BUT only one text was received which I assume it would have been for the new referral. Also PM went down for maintenance at 9 pm BC time too on the evening before the text. Perhaps I should give the benefit of doubt that due to maintenance a message was missed?
07-29-2020 06:42 PM
BUT, I could be wrong, even though my example shows $9 Referral Rewards that may be able to be lost before renewal happens. you are correct ✓
And speaking of accounts going inactive, we constantly hear of accounts failing to top up here on the community. Are these momentary failures causing people to lose a referral credit each time this happens? correct ✓
Presumably the glitch is fixed and the referral credit may come back again but if a renewal happened For the referring person during that outage that referral $1 is likely gone. correct again ✓
07-29-2020 06:25 PM
I guess my problem understanding what you are saying is related to the fact that funds can be sitting in two different places and neither of those places is titled “Account Balance”. The upper area is titled “Available Funds” And the lower area that breaks out your rewards into the four areas doesn’t have a title. I will call that area “Rewards Area” for the moment. I know how that all moves up to “Available Funds” during renewal. Is that what you mean by “Account Balance”? My thought is that once it shows up in the “Rewards Area” (lower section) its a done deal, you’ve earned it, its just wanting for your renewal to happen when it turns into actual $$ To help pay your bill. BUT, I could be wrong, even though my example shows $9 Referral Rewards that may be able to be lost before renewal happens. And speaking of accounts going inactive, we constantly hear of accounts failing to top up here on the community. Are these momentary failures causing people to lose a referral credit each time this happens? Presumably the glitch is fixed and the referral credit may come back again but if a renewal happened For the referring person during that outage that referral $1 is likely gone. None of this matters much, it just got me wondering the status of the rewards sitting in the Rewards Area prior to renewal.
07-29-2020 04:55 PM - edited 07-29-2020 04:57 PM
@AE_Collector The only thing that matter is the number active referrrals at the exact moment that the refer-a-friend credits are added to your account balance. Whatever happens to the referrals before and after that point makes no difference for that renewal about to occur.
07-29-2020 04:35 PM
@AE_Collector wrote:Well there was no notification of the recent “Clean up” they did of referrals. But I have not lost one to the best of my knowledge so far.
As for the timing, when MY account renews I instantly have my next allotment of loyalty, referral and autopay credits land in my account waiting to be moved up to available funds for my NEXT renewal. So during this 30 day period if a referral suspended and reactivated I’m assuming nothing would happen to these amounts. If my renewal happened while the referral was still suspended I would also assume the total amount would move up to available funds but the referral amount added immediately after my renewal would be down by $1. Probably sounds convoluted but what I’m getting at is once the $$ has been added to your account but has not yet moved up to become available funds, this $ is yours even if someone suspends during this time frame? The number of referrals only changes immediately after your renewal? If this is correct, then a 1 week suspension wouldn’t cost the person who made the referral anything unless the suspended account is suspended across renewal time? I bettter stop trying to clarify, its getting cloudier with each word I type!
@AE_Collector - I follow everything you said, and made sense to me! 🙂
07-29-2020 04:03 PM - edited 07-29-2020 04:07 PM
@AE_Collector if the customers plan fails to renew, then you lose the referral. the money isn't in the bag, you can still lose it.
for the 90 day plans it would be different. public would have to wait for 90 days or if the customer leaves before then to adjust the reward amount
07-29-2020 03:42 PM
So here we sit, just a few days into the current 30 day cycle with 9 referrals. If one of these referrals suspends right now for 7 days, what will happen? Will this change to $8 from $9 or is this $$ already in the bag? IE: awarded for the number of referrals in existence (9) at renewal A few days ago. And would this be different if suspended versus leaves? PM doesn’t know someone has left versus being in 90 day suspension unless they check and see the number was ported out.
07-29-2020 03:09 PM
@AE_Collector wrote:Probably sounds convoluted but what I’m getting at is once the $$ has been added to your account but has not yet moved up to become available funds, this $ is yours even if someone suspends during this time frame?
The only thing that matters is the refer-a-friend reward amount listed when the funds gets added to your account balance right before the renewal. Once that happens, it doesn't matter for that renewal what happens if any of those referrals leave Public Mobile or go into suspended state, at least until it comes to your next time of renewal.
At the same, if any referrals are lost before the rewards are converted to available funds, you will not get any credit for them.
07-29-2020 02:56 PM
Well there was no notification of the recent “Clean up” they did of referrals. But I have not lost one to the best of my knowledge so far.
As for the timing, when MY account renews I instantly have my next allotment of loyalty, referral and autopay credits land in my account waiting to be moved up to available funds for my NEXT renewal. So during this 30 day period if a referral suspended and reactivated I’m assuming nothing would happen to these amounts. If my renewal happened while the referral was still suspended I would also assume the total amount would move up to available funds but the referral amount added immediately after my renewal would be down by $1. Probably sounds convoluted but what I’m getting at is once the $$ has been added to your account but has not yet moved up to become available funds, this $ is yours even if someone suspends during this time frame? The number of referrals only changes immediately after your renewal? If this is correct, then a 1 week suspension wouldn’t cost the person who made the referral anything unless the suspended account is suspended across renewal time? I bettter stop trying to clarify, its getting cloudier with each word I type!
07-29-2020 01:10 PM
@LurganIeUk wrote:The missing referral re-appeared. As PM advised me that I temporarily lost the referral due to an 'account inactivity'.....it would be nice if PM would advise that the referral was re-instated! My friend had suspended his account for a week.
From my experience, they do advise you when a referral comes back. I don't believe that the text message notification about this is any different than that of a new referral though.
I've been noticing that lately, when the refer-a-friend credit drops in monetary amount, there has recently been a lack of notification about that.
07-29-2020 12:34 PM
@LurganIeUk wrote:
@will13am wrote:@LurganIeUk , it is all covered in this help article.
Thanks. It sort of covers it but I like to see more exact to my perspective.
Thanks. I will see what happens in a week if it reappears.
The missing referral re-appeared. As PM advised me that I temporarily lost the referral due to an 'account inactivity'.....it would be nice if PM would advise that the referral was re-instated! My friend had suspended his account for a week.
07-19-2020 03:28 PM
@will13am wrote:@LurganIeUk , it is all covered in this help article.
Thanks. It sort of covers it but I like to see more exact to my perspective.
Thanks. I will see what happens in a week if it reappears.
07-19-2020 02:59 PM
@LurganIeUk , it is all covered in this help article.
07-19-2020 02:18 PM - edited 07-19-2020 02:18 PM
Yes, you lose the reward until the customer has an active plan again.