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I have lost $1 in Referral Credits but I Didn't lose a XXX-XXX-1234 number from the list

Mayor / Maire

I got my 11th referral on this account 2 days ago.


Yesterday I confirmed I had incremented to $11 on the Referral Line AND I then had 11 numbers in the Drop Down list thing. 


Today I am back to only $10 on the Referral Line so I checked the Drop Down list and there ARE STILL 11 items there.


Is this the way it would typically look if someone either:

1) Put their phone into “Lost”

2) Purposefully didn't renew for now

3) Had their Autopay fail

4) Ported out.


Porting out I would think their XXX-1234 would be gone from my list right away?

Maybe one of the first three items?





Yes it gets a little hard to determine if Maria L meant that “if someone ported out, they would be removed immediately” but that is potentially what she meant. 



@AE_Collector wrote:


Good info! So that implies that even if someone ports out their umber may stay on my list for 90 days.

I don't see it that way. The moderator's message that Joyluck is quoting from talks about 90 days , but when a port out is done, the account gets closed immediately. In that case, the number should also vanish from your referral list immediately.


Good info! So that implies that even if someone ports out, their number may stay on my list for 90 days even though the $$ total dropped by $1. I can see suspended or “lost phone” situations leaving the number on my list but would have thought that Ported Out is very clear and therefore the phone number on my list would be removed. But my thoughts and how Public Mobile actually operates aren’t necessarily in alignment!


Thanks for adding that...




From another thread:


My name's Maria and I'm happy to assist you. 


I have reviewed your account and as you mentioned, I noticed that though there are 14 numbers showing in your referees there are $13 rewards credits listed.


It's important to mention that in order for you to receive the referer a friend rewards, all of your friends have to be active in our network with an active plan. 


When one of the referees isn't active only the rewards for active friends will reflect in your account. 


In case a friend that isn't currently active decides to resume his/her service, then you'd get the rewards applied at the next renewal date for that referee. 


In case that friends stay without an active plan for more than 90 calendar days, his account will be deactivated and that phone number will be removed out of your list of referees or in case one of your friends decides port out, it will also be removed out of your referee's list and the referral rewards will be adjusted so you'd get rewards only for active friend's in our network. 


Let me know if you have any other questions. 


Warm regards, 


Maria L. 


Public Mobiel Moderator. 


Hmmm, so a bit different from what I’m seeing at the moment as all my numbers are present and accounted for. Just checked again and no change, $1 less in my total than the number of referral phone numbers listed.


So unlikely to have ported out per @computergeek541 


Suspended whether on purpose or AutoPay fail are likely the same thing and not @LurganIeUk experience.


That leaves account put in “lost” mode as potentially the most likely?



@AE_Collector wrote:


So with an account being suspended on purpose (Not topped up at renewal time) your experience was that your referral Credit $ dropped by $1 AND the number was gone from the Drop Down List?



Yes, and upon the lifting of suspend both reappeared correctly. 


Numerous times I have had more $ on the referrals Credit line than numbers on the list. Many of us went trough another round of this just 3-4 weeks ago? And a year or more ago I had 3 extra $ for quite a few months until the Big Clean Up.


But this is the first time I have noticed MORE numbers on the list than $$ on the Referral Line. And all was good yesterday. Will see what happened next.



@AE_Collector wrote:


So with an account being suspended on purpose (Not topped up at renewal time) your experience was that your referral Credit $ dropped by $1 AND the number was gone from the Drop Down List?



Moderators have stated that the reason for phone numbers than you're being credited for is because of suspended accounts. And, that makes sense. Prior to "ghosts" being removed, this usually wouldn't been have been noticeable, but since, I always have more phone numbers than PUblic Mobile is creditting me for - at least in some of my accounts.


So with an account being suspended on purpose (Not topped up at renewal time) your experience was that your referral Credit $ dropped by $1 AND the number was gone from the Drop Down List?




LOL... this is new territory for me!



As mentioned above, new territory for me ... I just assumed that the number in question would be removed if a $ were removed. But maybe the number doesn’t leave until it is more official.


At least this is the opposite of the more common problem with MORE $$ than Numbers on the list.



@computergeek541 wrote:


Baseed on everything that I've seen, a number in your referral list only gets removed if that account has been permaneently closed.

I had a number removed on my account as a referral  because a friend suspended his account. When he un suspended it re appeared.


Baseed on everything that I've seen, a number in your referral list only gets removed if that account has been permaneently closed.

Mayor / Maire

@AE_Collector Geez, I look to you for the answers to the difficult questions! Is PM willing to give an "accounting" of the 11 numbers in your account?

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