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I have 2 phones with public mobile.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

At present I am using XXX XXX XXXX but my old one is XXXXXXX which i don’t use for last 6 month'. 




edited by computergeek541: phone numbers removed


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@slash407 wrote:

okkkkk>?????? so i assume you tinkered with ur account and got the numbers mixed?

@slash407 what makes you assume this?  We have literally nothing from @murshid123 to go on at this point.



@slash407 wrote:

This happens way to much, then the mods tell ever1 to help the person rather than give assuming answers......really?

@slash407 huh?  I don't understand what you're saying here at all.  The mods tell everyone to help the person rather than give assuming answers?  What are assuming answers?  You didn't explain this very well.  Please clarify.

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Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@murshid123 wrote:

At present I am using XXX XXX XXXX but my old one is XXXXXXX which i don’t use for last 6 month'. 

@murshid123 okay, you've told us what you've got.  Now, what your problem or question??

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Mayor / Maire
@murshid123 Your shoudn't post private information here, this is a public forum.

If you haven't used the old account in more than 90 days then the account and phone number are gone, you will need to get a new SIM card and open a new account using a different email address and get a new phone number.


@murshid123  a écrit :

At present I am using  but my old one is which i don’t use for last 6 month'. 


No personal information here it's a public can change that click on the 3 dots right up in your message...and give us details of your problem...

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