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I changed my number twice,can i change it again or is there a restriction.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


the first time I changed my number was because the number was not working. The second time I had to do it in hurry adjust chose a random number, now when I go to select aa new number and select it says phone number change failed.


Mayor / Maire

@batcamp30 wrote:


the first time I changed my number was because the number was not working. The second time I had to do it in hurry adjust chose a random number, now when I go to select aa new number and select it says phone number change failed.

@batcamp30  Once every 30 days, sorry no way around this.

@batcamp30 unfortunately, you can only change your number once every 30 day cycle. You can start thinking now about the last 4 digits of the  number that you can you would like to get in the next cycle. 

Also keep in mind if you have a lot of friends with landlines that its the second set of numbers that determine whether your number is local or not. Ie xxx yyy xxxx. Please check the CNAC website to check if your number is local or not . Personally, I would leave it and dial 1 + 10 digit number and save it in my contacts. If it bothers you, you can change your number to the desired local area code once each 30 day cycle through your self service account.

Stay safe. 

Mayor / Maire

You can only change your phone# once every 30 days.

Mayor / Maire

You can change a number every 30 days in self service.

Mayor / Maire

@batcamp30 You can change number once in 30 days.

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