11:42 PM
- last edited on
05:47 AM
I am trying to use my free 500 international minutes by calling india & uae but i am not able to
i have tried using prefixes like 011, +1 etc but still number does not go thru. Pls advise?
11-29-2024 10:44 AM
You dial +91 and number. If they provided any number starting with 0 then omit first zero. It should be 10 digit number. So either dual 00191 followed by India number or +91 and India number.
07-25-2023 01:50 AM
UAE has never been on any list of countries to call using Public. There have been some countries that were callable and they turned those off. Maybe it's account dependent. Did you answer whether your spouse is with Public?
07-25-2023 12:07 AM
No i do
07-25-2023 12:06 AM
Thanks that helped... but still no idea abt calling uae?
07-25-2023 12:05 AM
If your spouse is with Public then she's getting an undocumented benefit. Apparently you're not.
If you can log in to your account then you'll see spinner refresh icons. One is by the shop add-ons button. Click it to make sure you still have those minutes. Maybe you don't.
07-25-2023 12:00 AM
Then how come when my spouse calls the number to uae it gors through, but when do it does not?
spinner refredh icon? Where is that?
07-25-2023 12:00 AM - edited 07-25-2023 12:01 AM
log in to your account to see if you have the correct add-on. The add-on you need is the 750 India- Pakistan Long Distance Minutes ($15). None of the other add-ons include calling there. If you have the free 500 Minutes from last Christmas..those minutes did include calling to India.
International calling covers the following countries: Canada, United States, China, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Italy, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom, and Venezuela
07-24-2023 11:53 PM
Those minutes include India but not UAE. If an area code you're calling has a zero in front then don't use the zero.
Click on the little spinner refresh icons lower down to make sure you're seeing current info.
07-24-2023 11:53 PM
No, it has never connected before. And its not an add on like the picture you posted, rather its the free int'l 500 minutes, appearing in my plan.
07-24-2023 11:47 PM
I am not sure, pls suggest how I can find out? However, my spouse seems to be able to call india & uae, so i am assuming its added.