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Forgot Password not receiving confirmation email

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


I was trying to log into the Self Serve but I forgot my password. I followed the "forgot password" link, supplied my email and answered the security question, and then get a page telling me that I will receive an email outlining how I can change my password. However, I have not received any emails, what can I do to resolve the issue?


Thank you


@Dogbertthey typically do maintence around 1:30EST Saturday usually till 4AM.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@mcflago wrote:

Thank you for the responce,


I think I will contact the Moderator Team, as I cannot find the email in my junk folder and it has been a little over an hour since I should have received the email.


Thanks again

I've just noticed their site has gone down for maintenance.


You might want to try again tomorrow, as there maybe backend issues on PM side.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you for the responce,


I think I will contact the Moderator Team, as I cannot find the email in my junk folder and it has been a little over an hour since I should have received the email.


Thanks again

Not applicable

@mcflago wrote:


I was trying to log into the Self Serve but I forgot my password. I followed the "forgot password" link, supplied my email and answered the security question, and then get a page telling me that I will receive an email outlining how I can change my password. However, I have not received any emails, what can I do to resolve the issue?


Thank you

Check your spam/junk folders...but it doesn't work for a few people. It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to arrive.

If you still can't find it then all you can do is contact the @Moderator_Team < Click this.

Mayor / Maire

@mcflago  website is temperamental and sometimes it takes a long time for the email to arrive. Check your junk folder just in case. If it's still s problem best to notify the moderator team.


To contact Public Mobile click here. The link  sends you to the private message function and adds the moderator team as recipient for a private message. You just have to enter a title and text in the body of the message describing the problem and post. The message will be received by the moderator team and they will respond to it. You will receive the response in your private message inbox.

Moderators are available: M-F from 8 AM to midnight Eastern time and S-S from 8 AM to 10 PM Eastern time.

Note: Moderator Hours are subject to change, but you can always find the current times here

Please note that account verification may be required when contacting the Moderator Team 


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