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Emergency calls only Switched up phone please help

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

H iive been wth PM for years now and never had a problem. 
however this weeekend i recently bought a Samsung s7 edge to replace my old LG phonix 3 
the problem is in my basement im always getting emergency calls only and dropped signals which NEVER happened to my LG. is this a problem wth the phone? 
i have tried to reset phone/taking out sim etc and it still happens i just switched up my plan from a 3g to a 4g plan and was wondering if it might take a few days for it to get a good connection? 
im asking cause this problem never has happened before with any other phone ive had only the SS S7edge 
thank you for your time Communiity!


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@stonechucker wrote:

@drmartin, no Public Mobile doesn't have access to VoWiFi, nor would I expect it anytime soon.  We don't have VoLTE either.

That sucks, VoWiFi is a win-win for any telco.  As for VoLTE, it's more about how you look at it. 🙂

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@Rhyolu wrote:

 just switched up my plan from a 3g to a 4g plan and was wondering if it might take a few days for it to get a good connection? 

@Rhyolu plan type won't have any effect here.  Even the "3G" plans are delivered over 4G LTE where a signal is avaiable, with fallback to 3G HSPA+, just like the full-speed plans.  It can take a few days for the 3.0Mbps throttling to be removed when going from 3G->fullspeed plan (and vice versa for it to be applied in the opposite direction), but this should have no baring on your signal quality. 


I would say that in the same physical location using the same SIM and different phones, that it sounds like the S7 doesn't perform as well as your old LG with weaker network reception.

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@drmartin, no Public Mobile doesn't have access to VoWiFi, nor would I expect it anytime soon.  We don't have VoLTE either.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Rhyolu wrote:

So i have tried switching the Sim into my old phone and it does work, is there a signal booster i can use maybe that would help? also im using Android 6.0.1 would updating it help?

Read this article, does any of samsung's suggestions help?


 But yes they do have signal boosters

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

So i have tried switching the Sim into my old phone and it does work, is there a signal booster i can use maybe that would help? also im using Android 6.0.1 would updating it help?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Dunkgirl wrote:

@Rhyolu wrote:

H iive been wth PM for years now and never had a problem. 
however this weeekend i recently bought a Samsung s7 edge to replace my old LG phonix 3 
the problem is in my basement im always getting emergency calls only and dropped signals which NEVER happened to my LG. is this a problem wth the phone? 
i have tried to reset phone/taking out sim etc and it still happens i just switched up my plan from a 3g to a 4g plan and was wondering if it might take a few days for it to get a good connection? 
im asking cause this problem never has happened before with any other phone ive had only the SS S7edge 
thank you for your time Communiity!

Is the S7 brand new? When is the last time you got a new SIM card? If you take your sim card out of the S7 and put it back in the LG does the problem fix it self? If the problem is solved you know its definitely the S7 having connection issues / low reception / poor signal strength. There should be no difference between 4g and 3g since even when you are signed up to a 3g plan you are still using 4g but throttled. Not all phones are created equal. There are areas my new phone does not work at all but my old blackberry works with full bars.

If I do a quick search on google I see a lot of posts "Galaxy S7 has weak signal" "Bought an unlocked AT&T S7. It has the worst cell reception I have ever seen." "Poor signal strength on Galaxy S7" etc


Also read rumors that one of the nouget updates ruins the phone and to put marshmellow back on.

Good tips, but, even easier.  Try the sim card in your old phone, then try the exact same spot with the new phone.  If the signal is still good on the old, but bad on the new, you know the antenna configuration of the S7 just isn't cutting it.  Not much you can do about that, either keep your new phone and accept the reduced coverage or change phones.


Does anyone know if PM has VoWiFi? Because that would help a lot in this type of situation!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Rhyolu wrote:

H iive been wth PM for years now and never had a problem. 
however this weeekend i recently bought a Samsung s7 edge to replace my old LG phonix 3 
the problem is in my basement im always getting emergency calls only and dropped signals which NEVER happened to my LG. is this a problem wth the phone? 
i have tried to reset phone/taking out sim etc and it still happens i just switched up my plan from a 3g to a 4g plan and was wondering if it might take a few days for it to get a good connection? 
im asking cause this problem never has happened before with any other phone ive had only the SS S7edge 
thank you for your time Communiity!

Is the S7 brand new? When is the last time you got a new SIM card? If you take your sim card out of the S7 and put it back in the LG does the problem fix it self? If the problem is solved you know its definitely the S7 having connection issues / low reception / poor signal strength. There should be no difference between 4g and 3g since even when you are signed up to a 3g plan you are still using 4g but throttled. Not all phones are created equal. There are areas my new phone does not work at all but my old blackberry works with full bars.

If I do a quick search on google I see a lot of posts "Galaxy S7 has weak signal" "Bought an unlocked AT&T S7. It has the worst cell reception I have ever seen." "Poor signal strength on Galaxy S7" etc


Also read rumors that one of the nouget updates ruins the phone and to put marshmellow back on.

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