11-15-2023 04:33 PM
I signed up three accounts two days ago. Realized today that Telus did FOUR identical first-month-amount debits from my credit card - I guess one double-charged.
I raised a ticket today and after asking for the same detailed information that I provided in a reply to the original ticket (don’t bother, they don’t see it), the advice is to do a chargeback of one of the items on my credit card and *hope* it isn’t one that is genuine and then screws up that mobile account.
Pretty ridiculous. Wondering if I’m dealing with an AI bot as they seem unable to understand why this approach might not be a good idea given the situation.
Anyone else been double charged and got it sorted? At this stage I probably just end up donating $40 to Telus - there’s no way it’s worth hours and hours of hassle for me to fix their screw up.
Not a good start, at all.
11-15-2023 06:15 PM
Luckily I know better, hence why I didn't follow that advice. Pretty poor service TBH, could get someone into a lot of trouble.
FYI I'm very polite, and have been all along, just reaching the end of what they can do when this is their solution. It's not like this is really very complex... Ugh.
11-15-2023 05:06 PM - edited 11-15-2023 05:08 PM
do not, ever, do a chargeback, unless you’ve never been a customer here or never will be again.
when a customer does a charge back, Public Mobile prevents all credit card payments from being applied to that account holder (for a full year ) due to some cheating the system and defectively receiving free service after paying
definitely reach out to a customer support agent and politely ask that they escalate if you do not see the extra payments on your available funds, and they have posted to your credit card
To contact a Customer Support Agent, send a private message to the Customer Support Agents by clicking here
You’ll need to be logged into your Community account for the link to work.
Watch for their response in your Community private mailbox which will be indicated by a number on the small envelope icon to the left of your Community avatar.
11-15-2023 04:48 PM
Thanks @SourDude1234. I was joking about AI (I work with it), it was a real person - "chargeback one of them and see" was their final recommendation but I don't think it's smart.
I started by sending them a screenshot of my banking - transactions are posted, not pending. Also told them last digits of the CC number, feel like I've done all I can - surely someone somewhere in PM/Telus can lookup the transactions along with which account they apply to, and refund one?
Will that private message go to a different team? If not how do I escalate?
11-15-2023 04:37 PM - edited 11-15-2023 04:38 PM
Hi @NorthernLad
If one of them is not a pending charge, you can contact a customer support agent (not AI) using the link below, they will be able to further assist you with your double charge.
Make sure to monitor the envelope icon on the top right since that is where you will receive the response.