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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

As a loyal customer for over 2 years I am wondering if I can take advantage of the $20 off monthly sale for the 2 phone and I have 



Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Confirmed with CSR rep that $40/15gb and $45/20gb plans are good for long-term and loyalty rewards are kept.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

7. No promo code or special offers applicable on the $40 plan with 15GB 4G speed data.
I see this is only for the 15gb and not the 20gb plan for $45 is there something special with $45 that makes the pricing not for long-term

I have ability to switch upgrade to $40 or $45 as an exsiting customer for 15gb/20gb respectively. is there a catch?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

As this actually been confirmed via announcement or screenshot vs Public mobile. Or are we basing this off my test of it working 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Sharla wrote:

As a loyal customer for over 2 years I am wondering if I can take advantage of the $20 off monthly sale for the 2 phone and I have 


So you have 2 phones and 2 accounts ? If this is the case, I think you can. I would suggest to contact PM customer service to make sure you can. Send private message to PM customer service here 

Mayor / Maire

HI @Sharla 


YES you can.  It is for everyone now


but remember, the $20 off is only for 15 months,  After that, price will go back to $55

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