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Changing credit card payments

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

When I go into self serve I am unable to get the system to recognize my email address. I don't remember my password and simply want to change the credit card making payments on my account.


Mayor / Maire


You need to contact a PM moderator by clicking on SIMon chat bubble and ask to contact the moderator.

Mayor / Maire



If you're sure you're using the correct email, try clearing cache and cookies,  opening an incognito tab and MANUALLY enter email  (if you may have been using an auto complete before...)


Then, use the forgot password function.   After successfully resetting password, here's some tips to successfully amending credit card to avoid the things that can glitch:


  1. Reboot your device.
  2. Clear your browser, use secret/incognito mode in firefox, chrome or safari.
  3. Choose Manage My Card.
  4. Select replace card rather than remove card.
  5. Copy your address from your billing statement.
  6. Add your apt/unit/suite # to the street address. ie. 101-123 1ST AVE W, CITY, PROV.
  7. Do not put a space in the postal code. X0X0X0 not X0X 0X0.
  8. USE ALL CAPS if necessary.
  9. Do not use autofill. Type everything manually.


Mayor / Maire

Did you try Forgot Password and try with any email you might have used.  It might work  🙂

Not applicable

What happens when you dial 611?

Look in all your inboxes for the welcome email from here. That email address will be your login id. Then you can use the Forgot your password? link to reset your password. The reset email will go to that address.

@BryonRobertson wrote:

When I go into self serve I am unable to get the system to recognize my email address. I don't remember my password and simply want to change the credit card making payments on my account.

Please contact support by opening a ticket through:

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