10-08-2020 12:42 AM - edited 01-05-2022 05:12 PM
10-08-2020 02:36 PM
Yes. Earlier in this thread the OP mentioned he had changed his mind because he didn't like the conditions of the contract but the porting request was made so the new carrier was unable to make their porting request until the first one was refused by pm.
10-08-2020 02:02 PM - edited 10-08-2020 02:03 PM
@Dchunk74 wrote:I want to port. Just need PM to cancel all current ports so my new provider can resubmit.
If these requests were all by that same carrier that you're switching to, that's the responsibility of your new carrier to take care of for you. If they're sending you here, they're giving you the run-around. Did you actually change your mind about switching to someone else other than the one you're going with now?
10-08-2020 01:48 PM
Thanks I have already done that.
10-08-2020 01:39 PM
You can contact the moderators by clicking the (?) At the bottom right corner of your screen and submit a ticket via Simon or which may be easier for you just send a private message to the Moderator_team and type cancel porting requests in the subject line. Explain your issue in detail and include the following in your message:
If you don't remember your pin # include at least 3 of the following:
Keep an eye on the envelope icon next to your avatar at the top right corner of your screen for a little number to pop up indicating a message from the moderators. Responding promptly to messages will speed up service times. Wait times average 2 to 4 hours up to 48 hours for non urgent requests.
10-08-2020 01:01 PM
I want to port. Just need PM to cancel all current ports so my new provider can resubmit.
10-08-2020 04:32 AM
To be absolutely sure that no porting will happen do as @popping suggested and change your name ( or spelling). Just make sure you make a copy of what exactly you changed it to...this will ensure any port request will fail. If you wish you can contact the moderators and explain your intentions. They can make a note on your account. You can then request your new provider make a porting request with the name change and pm will approve the porting to your new intended provider. Best wishes with your new phone and provider. We hope to see you back in 24 months.
10-08-2020 03:44 AM - edited 10-08-2020 03:44 AM
@mapamapa32 The person already told another company to take the number. They can't just leave it. Just leaving it means it will transfered when this person changed their mind.
10-08-2020 02:43 AM
If you asked for your number to be ported but no longer need it ported it is fine to just leave it without cancelling it. Having PUblic Mobile port it just means if you wish to take it with you to another company you can if you dont and want a new number jusy ask for a new number upon activation and if your staying wih PM which I hope you are having it ported wont affect your phone on thw public network. hope this helps 🙂
10-08-2020 02:18 AM
10-08-2020 02:13 AM
10-08-2020 02:07 AM
10-08-2020 02:01 AM - edited 10-08-2020 02:10 AM
@Dchunk74 wrote:No I am not looking for Port Protection. But Thanks for you comment. I was switching to another provider and they Requested The Portal but then wanted Cash Upfront for a new phone. Told them no don't want it. Then went to another provider got a new phone with out cash upfront, they requested a Portal but they cant portal the number as the request from the previous provider is still on my Public Mobile account. So Like my Original Question says I need all Request for Portal's Cancelled so my New Service Provider can Request the Portal.
Can you login to your PM account?
If not, it is too late. PM already released your number to the first request and your PM account was canceled..
If yes, change your name on your PM account, when the request arrives at PM, your name on your account does not match the name which you used in your port request. PM will not release your number.
10-08-2020 01:57 AM - edited 10-08-2020 02:06 AM
@Dchunk74 wrote:Its not fraudulent. Just need All porting Requests Cancelled on My Public Mobile Accouny
When did you created your support ticket to port a number to PM?
Login to your account.
Select "Plan and Add-ons" tab. If you number to be ported to PM is showing on the "My Plan & Add-ons" page, it is out of PM's hand. Call your previous provider to stop releasing your number to PM.
Update: OP said he is port PM number out. Refer to my next post.
10-08-2020 01:56 AM - edited 10-08-2020 01:31 PM
@Dchunk74 contact customer support mods
click on the question mark chat bubble to the bottom right of your screen
type "port request"
(use the chat bubble options, then click "submit a ticket, click me" option)
*login using your community account
make sure to check your inbox(top right corner envelope icon) periodically, for a response
10-08-2020 01:52 AM
No I am not looking for Port Protection. But Thanks for you comment. I was switching to another provider and they Requested The Portal but then wanted Cash Upfront for a new phone. Told them no don't want it. Then went to another provider got a new phone with out cash upfront, they requested a Portal but they cant portal the number as the request from the previous provider is still on my Public Mobile account. So Like my Original Question says I need all Request for Portal's Cancelled so my New Service Provider can Request the Portal.
10-08-2020 01:28 AM
Whew! So basically your asking for porting protection. The only porting protection you can employ is as @mimmo suggested. Change the spelling of your name or change your name altogether and keep it secret. Porting requires three pieces of information. Your name, your phone number and your account number. Your name is the only one you have control over (other than keeping your account secure with a strong password and keeping your personal information private.) Change your name to anything you like.....Marilyn Monroe, Marilyn Manson etc....or add a middle name, change your surname or the spelling of your name Jon Smythe instead of John Smith. Your choice. There are no other port protections currently offered by pm.
10-08-2020 01:17 AM
Its not fraudulent. Just need All porting Requests Cancelled on My Public Mobile Accouny
10-08-2020 01:09 AM - edited 10-08-2020 01:10 AM
If this is a fraudulent port pm will only delay the request for about a half hour. Suspending your account ( lost/stolen) is your only protection at this point to stop the request before it goes thru.....then you'll be stopping a financial fraud on your accounts. If this is something else please provide us with some more information on your issue.
10-08-2020 01:07 AM
if you loginto your account and change your name , that will in effect cause a port out to fail.
can you clarify what exatly is happening and why you think your pm number is being ported out?
10-08-2020 01:05 AM
Did you get a text message from pm ?
10-08-2020 01:03 AM
Pubic Mobile is my Current Provider
10-08-2020 12:48 AM - edited 10-08-2020 12:59 AM
best will be to contact your current provider and see if they can do something or ask them to change teh account name, this causing a failure in port.
you could try contacting the moderators but your port will probably complete before they contact you.
edit I might have misunderstood your question, can you clarify?
10-08-2020 12:47 AM - edited 10-08-2020 12:48 AM
Did you get a message saying there is a port request but you didn't authorize it?
If so log into your account immediately and suspend your service by using the lost/stolen feature. Then contact the moderators.