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Can't make any phone call right now. The message is I don't have long distance's add on plan.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

From this morning,Can't make any phone call right now. The message is I don't have long distance's add on plan.


True. I did Putted in my pm inbox a Prefix of what happens if Phone lost/stolen, with links all set, so that I can just Copy and Paste. Saves time

@makkahn28 We cope with the PM system of support as it is, and hope for better over time. Works fine for me, but clearly some current and potential customers are struggling getting answers they need when they want them.


Virtually all the details needed are on the screens and in the knowledge base but are sometimes troublesome to ferret out.


On the brighter side pricing overall is hard to beat and the network is quite good. I migrated from Telus so there was no network change for me, and based on what I've read Telus compares favourably to Rogers and Bell.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

@Luddite, Right now, E-Chat just won't come, BUT, who knows what PM will do


Support In Community as of NOW, at least its Not TOO Long


I corrected my posts by making reference to yours.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire
^Yep, Exactly what i said above aswell.



In a previous post, you stated that you paid for 24/7 service.

To add to chuk's post, that contradicts the Terms of Service. You paid PM to make service available, when available, excluding downtimes.



To add to what chuk said, if a customer or potential customer were to read the Terms of Service which are available, as a PDF file at the bottom of every web page, Public Mobile does not guarantee service 100% of the time.


That's Pretty much true, NO Carrier Can Guarantee any Service Uninterrupted, Electronics do break down time to time

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@sirgool007 wrote:
It was the fault of service provider

Like i said above no Provider provides uninterrupted service. These things do happen

@Jeremy_M fair enough; glitches do happen. HOWEVER, given that the Community is effectively 1st level tech support it would be more helpful to have had an posting MUCH sooner. Do we need to add this as a Lab suggestion???

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
It was the fault of service provider

You see, Everything Under Control, Situation Normal


Condition Green

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired



Your correct. There was a small outage after the maintenance was completed yesterday. But nothing major, and the issue was resolved quite quickly. Smiley Happy



Also, the above is normal,  just like  installing a new version of software on your computer, or a new iPhone or Android release. Sometimes there's little bugs we need to squash.





Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Everyone should of been up and running around 11 or so yestaurday morning. Koodo nor telus will admit to the system down but it was happening everywhere. My pm phone was ok but my koodo phone kept going in and out til just after 11. The same as my husbands phone ( he was at work and once it came back he was text me like crazy) lol.


i am guessing the orginally op of this thread is not coming back on to admit it wasnt anyones fault and it happens and his phone is now working the way it should.

How Sure are You, @chukdefatey?


Nothing is Certain, at least NOT IN SCONES

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire







@sirgool007 wrote:
I am a paying customer I am not hand cuffed to anything but I payed for my service to be available 24/7 not pre programmed by your networks.

No Provider including Bell, Rogers or Fido guarantee 100% service & also no Provider guarantee's indoor coverage. It's written in terms & condition of all Providers. Weather you read it out not Terms & Conditions still apply. Now having said that Telus Group of companies has the least amount of Network outages.


I am in Vancouver Region very near the US Border, I haven't had any issues out here. So is yours & along with others who were experiencing Network outages Have Coverage Now?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
When you pay for a pizza u expect to get one

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
The point is if u apy for a pizza u expect to get one

@hunnybunny@hunnybunny@hunnybunny@hunnybunny @hunnybunny

We Must maintain our Composure. 


After all, If PM is to Prevail, You must keep the Rabbit Tail tall, Proud, and Free


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


lmao thank you for that ,the guy was kind of ticking me off. I was trying to help but theres only so much i can do. If i had control no one would have any problems and everyone would get what they want when they want. But like i say to my kids theres just somethings that happen this way and theres not much anyone can do to change it 






NO Carrier can 110% Guaranteed all is Well all the Time


Like a Thunderstorm, Sometimes POWER can BE Zapped for a Time




The explanations are Excellent


Now, If Bugs Rabbit can Get those Outages off the System and Services restored to Normal Station-Keeping, Then maybe He can go to Miami Beach for its Summah vacation

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


i am not making fun of and sorry you feel that way. please look at my edit 


also you dont need to keep making new ones just add to what you orginally posted and your the one who titled this bs so how is calling who I am not here to fight with you i am sorry if you dont like my honesty

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Toronto pm customer

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Why you insulting me I am a paying customer I am not hand cuffed to anything but I payed for my service to be available 24/7 not pre programmed by your networks.

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

@ndisneyworld @sirgool007 @dijohntarli


Can you try powering-on and off your cell phone? Than try to place a call. Let me know if this works for all of you. Smiley Happy

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


lmao i live in a place that is considered a know where land literally. I dont seem to have a problem except when i bouce of the states as i am pretty close ( i can see it from my porch) Although i feel for you I dont think it is the network but i could be wrong.  As far as i know pm bouces off of bell towers along with telus. I would suggest looking at your phone settings first and it would help to know make and model of what you are using. 9/10 its your phone (sorry)

 by the way we havent hand cuffed you here if you dont like it ( sorry pm) no one is keeping you here

let me know and i can see if i can help further 🙂




edit : koodo community is claiming outages in varies areas. My koodo phone was down and than back up as of 9:46 am this morning . my pm phone is fine. also on a note i am on xplornet and it went down around the same time and went back up (its 4g here)

just thought i would share this 🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

public mobile is being ropped off my telus just cllose the company and run your bs the right way.

no service i dont need a fing long distance plan to call 416 647 437 289 905 ........ and the bloody droped calls all the time your service sticks all pm customers should report their issues to consumers advacy.



your truly pissed off pm customer

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have exactly the same problem.  Don't know why I get this message as the calls I'm trying to make are locals and I have an unlimited calls plan.

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