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Can I use a SIM card that I already have?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
@weiqiw If the sim card is a public mobile sim that was never activated then yes. If it was a public mobile sim card you had activated at one time you can use it again with that same information on the account when you first activated it.

Mayor / Maire

@weiqiw  PM sim cards do not expire so it can be used provided that it hasn't been used (activated) in the past. It the sim was previously used then you will need to get a new sim card. If you are not sure then try activating it, if you get an Invalid SIM card error then you will need to get a new one.

In addition to above, if it's from Public Mobile account that you already have and had not been suspended for 90 days and the phone number has not been ported out, you can keep using it by making the appropriate plan payment.


Otherwise, a sim card that has been used before cannot be reused.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

if it hasn't been activated before

Mayor / Maire

@weiqiwAs long as it hasn't been activated and it is a Public Mobile SIM card then you can use it.

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