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7 weeks and still haven't received a refund..

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am more than disappointed and upset with this company, I cancelled my plan more than 7 weeks ago and have still not received a refund. I was told it would take a month and I would be refunded the $40, but that is still yet to have happened. I find this service extremely unprofessional as I have reached out to moderators to no avail, this is ludacris... Would be nice if you would appreciate your customers like other companies do and act in a more professional manner, because this is the furthest thing from it... Hopefully someone can enlighten me on this BS.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@doc@jdesaumarez@Natester7788 I'm not sure about that 90 days being standard.  I used to work with one of the Big 3 awhile ago, and basically we always provided the longer time period just so customers would not get really upset if we provided the shorter time period and then it not happen.  Kind of like in this case with PM.  I've dealt with a number of communications companies and usually I just call a few days later and ask to speak with the accounting department or a higher up department passed the initial customer service rep, then from there ask if a refund cheque would be issued or just a credit applied to a credit card on file.  Usually it ends up being a refund cheque, and that generally takes up to 2-4 weeks.  I've never had a cheque take longer than 3 weeks to arrive.  But I always made it a habit to call them back a few days after the initial cancellation just to make sure another set of eyes reviews the file and ensures the file is being handled accordingly and is in progress.  I never leave it up to the first person, that never seems to work out for me.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Not sure I would go the chargeback route as it could possibly cause other issues.


found this thread


Not exactly your situation but...shows what might happen with charge backs...


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I really would not criticise PM on this point.

I have had a large credit balance with Bell for some time and their notice of refund says it will take up to 90 days for the refund to be sent out.

Seems this may be the Canadian corporate standard.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

PM charged me five times over for a single activation, and just told me a refund will take eight weeks. There is no valid reason in the year 2018 for a company to take that long to refund something. I suggest you file a complaint with the CCTS and/or initiate a chargeback with your credit card provider.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Natester7788, I agree if you have been promised something, and almost 2 months have passed and still nothing, that's definitely not acceptable, regardless if you're an existing client or no longer a client.  I know the last month has been very intense for the MODS with too many promos and system issues, I believe they are trying their best, but that's still no excuse, especially when it comes to $$$.  When we owe we are required to provide the $$ immediately, but when companies/banks owe they take their sweet time to provide it, this isn't just PM trust me on that.  But I would assume this is a one off situation, but of course from your perspective it doesn't matter, and I know if I was in your shoes I'd be acting the exact same way you are.  


I suggest messaging the MODS again because 7 weeks is definitely far too long and unacceptable.  Send another message advising you have not received what was promised a month ago.  Unfortunately you'd be repeating yourself all over again, but if it's been 7 weeks then I don't think your request even went through the first time.  Gotta do it all over again.

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