11:07 AM
- last edited on
12:32 PM
Hey Community,
We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.
We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program.
We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.
To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st.
We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.
To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.
The Public Mobile Team
03-15-2024 11:51 AM
The below post from Redflagdeals forum summarize everything. I would change 'water' to 'spoiled milk':
Public Mobile, a tier 3 provider, is lacking many features and almost nil PM support as the support are done by the loyal customers. With the recent changes, PM prices when taking into account of its many lacking features and almost nil support is more expensive than tier 1 and tier 2 providers.
It is laughable that PM expects us to be loyal when the loyalty rewards are reduced drastically and also cumbersome to use under the new points reward rules. Adding insult to injury, PM blatantly lies telling us that the points reward is better for us and PM also gives us a gift with 150 days expiration. This so called gift is like giving us 'water' where we don't need lol.
03-15-2024 11:36 AM
What about this lie in their public community announcement and I quote:
""We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward."
We as loyal Public Mobile customers DO NOT have more opportunities to earn as we (for those on Auto-Plan and a customer for at least 5 years) are all losing more than 70% in rewards per month in terms of dollar value when we are forced to switch to this new rewards plan in May 2024. In my case, I am currently earning $10 in old rewards per month ($2 Autoplan, $3 Referral and $5 Loyalty) and the new rewards plan does not even come close whatsoever and I am lucky if I get $2.00 in total new rewards per month (my current $34 per month payable every 90 days gives me $2.00 in total new rewards per month) so tell me how and I quote Public Mobile is giving me "more opportunities to earn"?
So in my specific case, I am losing 80% of my rewards dollar value per month (I am going from $10 rewards per month to $2.00 rewards per month) once I am switched over to the new Public Mobile rewards program but yet according to Public Mobile I am getting "more opportunities to earn".
This is why I filed a complaint with the CCTS because they lied to us.
03-15-2024 11:31 AM
One of the reasons I chose PM in the first place was the rationale that “hey, at least I’m not supporting Bell or Rogers”. Now I see I was mistaken as Telus’ ethics are no better than their competitors
03-15-2024 11:29 AM
No disrespect to the Oracles. But are you truly on the side of the consumer expressing your real feelings or are you teamed up to help PM pursue and complete the change. In a “shill” like position?
03-15-2024 11:22 AM
@MrG3D wrote:PM's reputation is big time in on the line here, and likely by extension Telus. This isn't the first unpopular change made to squeeze money out in surreptitious way. Remember the credit card fee? You are losing trust fast. If your business is suffering, raise prices moderately. Don't lie to your customers. Look out for your customers and be honest with them and they will be loyal. I don't know how you expect them to be loyal like this.
Lie, would Telus lie? That’s what creates the 100% mistrust of Telus. I have been lied to soooooo many times from both Telus onshore and offshore since January 2023. Almost on every call. I can provide examples too.
03-15-2024 11:21 AM
@RetiredGuy1 wrote:Good morning mikasik2,
I too had a dream. It was 2026 and I logged onto the PM Community Forum to find this announcement from an Oracle:
Personally, the moment Telus directed PM to force legacy rewards customers onto the new points program (2024), people should understand the elimination of PM was Telus’ plan, it will come one day, just a matter or timing. Despite inflation eroding their record profits since 2024, Telus has kept the PM entity for 2 extra years. 😂
I've no doubt this is the case. They tried to get everyone on the 4gb/90 day plan to migrate to Koodo a while back. And now they have Eversafe to make things extra annoying. This looks like a slow controlled demolition of a company.
03-15-2024 11:14 AM - edited 03-15-2024 11:18 AM
In late February, Wendy’s management team surprised both customers and investors with a clarification. The fast-food chain announced wrote to CNN that “Wendy’s will not implement surge pricing, which is the practice of raising prices when demand is highest. […] It was never our plan to raise prices when customers are visiting us the most.” Surge pricing is the practice of increasing prices when demand is high and decreasing them when prices are low. Basically, it’s a form of “dynamic” pricing.
Customers of course were elated to hear Wendy’s was no longer employing that kind of pricing strategy, but investors may be less pleased. Still, despite the controversy around dynamic pricing, many companies continue to use this strategy.
The consumer won!
03-15-2024 11:12 AM
Good morning mikasik2,
I too had a dream. It was 2026 and I logged onto the PM Community Forum to find this announcement from an Oracle:
Personally, the moment Telus directed PM to force legacy rewards customers onto the new points program (2024), people should understand the elimination of PM was Telus’ plan, it will come one day, just a matter or timing. Despite inflation eroding their record profits since 2024, Telus has kept the PM entity for 2 extra years. 😂
03-15-2024 10:45 AM
Don’ lt worry all. When you wake up morning after March 31st everything will be the same. This is just an April fool joke.
03-15-2024 10:37 AM
I guess the $17 million per year the CEO was making – who knows why, maybe he has some unheard-of tricks up his sleeve- wasn’t good enough. What an unabashed greed!
03-15-2024 10:32 AM
Also remember, the stopped the Christmas 1000 overseas calling and free GB’s bonus.
03-15-2024 10:26 AM
Good job
03-15-2024 10:18 AM
PM's reputation is big time in on the line here, and likely by extension Telus. This isn't the first unpopular change made to squeeze money out in surreptitious way. Remember the credit card fee? You are losing trust fast. If your business is suffering, raise prices moderately. Don't lie to your customers. Look out for your customers and be honest with them and they will be loyal. I don't know how you expect them to be loyal like this.
03-15-2024 09:56 AM
@ShawnC13 thanks for acknowledging that $7 (max.) change isn't the same for everyone.. it's definitely relative to disposable income. I have used Oracles as an example but really my comments apply to anyone that can more easily afford the change in monthly costs vs. someone like a senior on a fixed budget when the cost of everything just keeps getting jacked up lately. Personally, I just do like you've said and follow my wallet because the government hasn't figured out a way to tax me on money I save.. yet. 😁
03-15-2024 09:47 AM
Fully agree. If they make the change, I will just look for another provider for me and the wife. Dont even mind paying a bit more. Especially if the provider has overseas roaming. Something I would use a lot.
03-15-2024 09:44 AM
Good bye and thanks for all the fish. It was fun while it lasted. Last of my 4 lines.
03-15-2024 09:29 AM
Before you complain to CCTS you need an argument (and you need to deal with PM first). This forum provides those arguments. Just complaining is not enough for CCTS to decide anything.
03-15-2024 09:28 AM
The title of this post is truly misleading or it's propaganda driven. There are NO changes planned to the old reward program. The title should have been "The elimination of the old reward program".
PM has the right to modify/eliminate their reward/points program any way they want. What I disliking is the lies (listed below) and the fact they are breaking a promise (also listed below).
Go ahead PM, do what you want and the customers we'll demonstrate our ability to respond to your choices. However, consider the impact of your reputation because typically unsatisfied customers share their experience with co-workers, friends & family members.
List of lies (paraphrased):
I could continue, but like I wrote before (and it was reported on iphonecanada.ca), I'll wait until May 2024 to make my final decision as I'm still hoping PM might change its mind. If they do not, I already have selected PM's replacement for my 6 lines (I'm a good son who takes care of his parents).
03-15-2024 09:20 AM - edited 03-15-2024 09:24 AM
I don't understand why people keep arguing here. It is useless. Only way is to complain to ccts and switching to other carriers.
Again, I will switch all my 4 PM lines and 1 Koodo line to others even pay morr, no more telus
03-15-2024 06:23 AM
Oh man I just woke up from a terrible dream where PM took our rewards away and forcibly replaced them with something inferior 😫
03-15-2024 12:06 AM
@G_Pomzz wrote:Good point but I would like things to remain the way they are. As a good corporate citizen, PM should grandfather those of us who have been loyal customers. New recruits can be put on the new and improved points system and they will love it.
@G_Pomzz, we all want that and that is what PM has been doing for the last 2 years, but I do beleive that is coming to an end as I don't see PM reversing this decision (still have hope but not holding my breath).
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
03-14-2024 11:52 PM
@ridgeline, J_PM was probably providing us with the information they had at the time. The comment of "There is no plans to migrate customers" was 2 years ago. In a business based on technology that is a HUGE amount of time for things to change as plans and strategies do in any business.
As for the member who spoke with a higher up at Telus and was told the points program was in Transition period but there was no solid timeline determined to move everyone over. Senior Managers are working on timeline plans of longer range. Lower level Managers will be working on timelines of months to a year. I don't think it should be considered to be contradicting what was heard from a "Higher Up" when PM managers are just acting on the information they have at the time.
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
03-14-2024 11:49 PM
Good point but I would like things to remain the way they are. As a good corporate citizen, PM should grandfather those of us who have been loyal customers. New recruits can be put on the new and improved points system and they will love it.
03-14-2024 11:41 PM
At the end of the day PM could reverse its decision on the legacy rewards but it would still not help us. Public Mobile would still be able to increase the price of their plans. Long time customers have had it very good here at PM. There has rarely been any price increases. Their tier 1 and tier 2 companies have increased plan prices significantly. Just the other day their tier 2 company increased their BF promo from $29 to $34 after 4 months. Taking our loyalty and autopay rewards away from us is a way for PM to increase plan prices without increasing plan prices.
03-14-2024 11:39 PM
@Public_Cust_17 wrote:@ShawnC13 I must admit, I find your honesty and openness to address comments in a fairly unbiased manner is refreshing compared to some of the others. Cheers
@Public_Cust_17, thank you for that. These changes affect everyone including my family. You do mention how you think it probably affects Oracles less,(assuming because we get $20) but we are still losing the same amount or Legacy Rewards. You could say the same for everyone that receives community rewards. Saying that I totally know where you are coming from when you say that this affects the vulnerable the most. I have read about many good plans for low use/low cost ($119 for 12 months)from other providers and unfortunately many may have to port out to find the best deal for them. Everyone must always be ready to follow what is best for their finances, that is a good thing about PM that we aren't locked into long term contracts and are very flexible when better deals come up.
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
03-14-2024 11:33 PM
@softech wrote:as @ShawnC13 explained, Oracle have no insight in the decision making process and obviously has no influence at all.
Personally, the moment PM introduced the new rewards program (2022), people should understand one single rewards system is the part of PM's plan., it will come one day, just a matter or timing. Many businesses would simply introduce new rewards system and move everyone over (Starbucks, Aeroplan, credit card rewards/cashback program, etc). With PM, they have kept the 2 rewards system in parallel for 2 extra years.
Yes, it's not a decision we like. It affects everyone and we all lost $4-$7 every cycle. Many thought Oracles are exempted, but keep in mind , Oracles are customers like everyone else and we lost the same rewards amount like everyone else
@softech When the announcement about Public Points was made in early 2022, Public emphasized that joining Public Points was optional for existing subscribers. One customer (killer23d) posted in the Introducing Public Points Rewards forum that they had inside information from a higher up at Telus that everyone would eventually be migrated over to the points system as part of the corporate strategy. @J_PM contradicted that customer's inside information and replied that joining points was optional and that there were no plans to migrate customers into the new program. Please see screenshots of those posts below. I believe this is why there is a feeling by many legacy rewards customers of broken trust and broken promises by Public.
03-14-2024 11:11 PM
@softech I completely understand... Shawn also stated that you get $20 / month plus god know how many people you have for referrals. I would imagine that is not the case for most people on the $15 plan which would cost you nothing if you get $20 month credit for being an Oracle. So not so much the same right! Read some of the posts.. these are people that have the plan as it can be cost justified and not multiple accounts as you seem to believe "most others" have.. this hurts the most vulnerable customers disproportionately. That's the point I'm making but you're just dismissing because you'll have to pay as well.
03-14-2024 11:02 PM
@Public_Cust_17 wrote:@softech I will again point out (as I did to ShawnC13) that I believe the impact to Oracles will be far less impactful than it will be on the most vulnerable of PM's customers... Hence the opposition and anger in peoples comments.
@Public_Cust_17 then let me point out clearly, your "belief" is wrong
I think ShawnC13 has explained and you just never want to see the truth, the change in rewards system impact to Oracle as much as any customers. Like most others, I have multiple accounts with PM and all are affected. For example, my $15 account used to have $7 savings like anyone with the $15 plan. And of course, like all others, I will be paying full $15+tax on that line and humbly earning 0.75 points per renewal and 10 anniversary points once a year.
So, Oracles dislike the decision as much as you. There is really no need to put Oracles under the spotlight
03-14-2024 10:56 PM
@ShawnC13 I must admit, I find your honesty and openness to address comments in a fairly unbiased manner is refreshing compared to some of the others. Cheers
03-14-2024 10:46 PM - edited 03-14-2024 10:48 PM
Well, I don’t agree that people should have understood one rewards program was PMs plan. I can’t speak for others but I’m not a clairvoyant. Also, PMs marketing department decided to communicate the opposite by stating we could stay on the Legacy Rewards program. My issue is I’m now on a $34 plan and cannot move down to a 4G plan at $24/$29 at this time (I’m not interested in a 3G plan). Had PM given an indication it was their intent to move to a single rewards program along with an estimated date of implementation for doing so, then I could have positioned my current plan for that date to effectively allow me to offset the increase in cost (from losing rewards directly applied on my bill) by moving down to a lower-priced plan. Now I have to wait (and hope) the 4G plans are opened to all in May.