07-10-2017 09:17 AM - edited 07-10-2017 09:20 AM
Hello Community,
We would like to thank everyone for the great conversations and encouraging fellow members to seek support and answers on the Community.
Special thanks to the Community members listed below for supporting Community members with their questions, providing detailed answers and building on the solutions provided by others.
A huge thank you to the Oracles, our Top 0.1% who go above and beyond for not only starting healthy discussions, ut helping others to better understand our services and contributing to our awesome Community on a daily basis.
We would like to tip our hats to these awesome folks below for their efforts on a daily basis. Together June's Top 0.5% contributed to over 1,600 replies and received over 1600 Bravo’s. Truly Amazing!
We also want to give a shout-out to the following members who have been active in the Community as well... Keep it up!
@computergeek541, @neatooo, @Mana, @Someone_here, @kav2001c, @stonechucker, @WearySky, @wetcoaster, @koimr1, @Acekiller and many more….
We also want to highlight this month’s Top Francophone member, our own Oracle @Luddite. Not fluently bilingual, but Google translator ready to help and support others on both sides of our Community. Merci, Luddite!
Once again, congratulations to all our contributors for June! A monthly badge for your contribution level has been added to your Community profile. A Community Reward will be given to all the contributors on a reward-eligible plan on your next payment due date.
Want to learn more about how to be a top contributor? Getting started is easy. All you have to do is give help to your fellow Community members, acknowledge solutions, and share ideas. And, of course, your suggestions and feedback will help us create a better experience for everyone.
Here’s how you can get started –
See a post you like? Show it some love and give it a bravo!
If someone is able to deliver a great solution to your problem, mark their response as an “Accepted Solution” to appreciate the efforts of your helper
To learn more visit our Community Wiki's
07-13-2017 08:07 AM
07-13-2017 12:05 AM
07-12-2017 10:10 AM
Awesome job guys. Keep it up.
07-11-2017 12:37 PM
Congratulations to everyone!
07-11-2017 09:49 AM
@ShawnC13 wrote:@jeffster1970, it isn't about making a certain percentage at all. Any time that you are able to come in and help people is always appreciated. To reach the top 0.5% it probably works out to mere pennies if that much per hour, so it shouldn't be about the reward or lower phone bill it is a small bonus but your time could earn you so much more.
^^^^ so much this. Community rewards are a nice bonus if you feel good helping out fellow PMers, but they are VERY much not worth it, if you're only looking at it from a pure $/hr perspective 🙂
07-11-2017 09:33 AM
@jeffster1970, it isn't about making a certain percentage at all. Any time that you are able to come in and help people is always appreciated. To reach the top 0.5% it probably works out to mere pennies if that much per hour, so it shouldn't be about the reward or lower phone bill it is a small bonus but your time could earn you so much more.
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
07-11-2017 07:48 AM
Congrats everyone!!
07-11-2017 12:15 AM
Congrats to all, no matter what level of contribution. Each and every response counts.
07-10-2017 11:16 PM
07-10-2017 10:42 PM
07-10-2017 10:38 PM
07-10-2017 10:24 PM
07-10-2017 10:21 PM
I'm just happy to assist in the community when I can. A few months back, I was getting $6 regularly, but as the community grows, more members become super active, and leave me with nothing to answer :). Lol... but it's all good!
i did get $4 this month, so I'm more than happy :-). I just want to help and participate 🙂
07-10-2017 09:45 PM - edited 07-10-2017 09:47 PM
07-10-2017 09:33 PM
07-10-2017 09:29 PM
@Nsk143 wrote:
Question for @Luddite
Lol I was just checking your badges. Just to get inspiration:) then I saw something different maybe you can explain last badge you received today 0.1 % its shows 6 peoples received this badge but on contribution page which posted by @Jeremy_M only have 5 Oracle. Lol who's the silent Oracle here or who's the 6st lucky person here. ?
Look at @SD08's post just above ours.
07-10-2017 09:28 PM
@Nsk143 wrote:
Question for @Luddite
Lol I was just checking your badges. Just to get inspiration:) then I saw something different maybe you can explain last badge you received today 0.1 % its shows 6 peoples received this badge but on contribution page which posted by @Jeremy_M only have 5 Oracle. Lol who's the silent Oracle here or who's the 6st lucky person here. ?
Ahem... the answer lies before you (upthread).
07-10-2017 09:21 PM
07-10-2017 09:19 PM
I didn't make the top 0.5% but I did get a community reward, so very happy about that...
07-10-2017 09:17 PM
07-10-2017 08:56 PM
Ralph is watching and waiting in the grass for the unwary.
07-10-2017 08:27 PM - edited 07-10-2017 09:40 PM
SD08So you see, it was all part of my master plan to get...
Best Comment of the day 🙂
You should have stayed hidden in the darkness, that could have made the forum more interesting.
I was rolling my eyes all day from boredom until someone in here mentionned that there was like 50 people in the 5% badge, so I got curious wether 50 people is the usual number or not. And while I was looking in the previous months 5% I saw today's 0.5 %, and that said 8 people but the post only mentionned 7 so I thought 3 things : either my math knowledge was a lie or Le me seeing weird stuff or Someone is lurking the shadow. First thought was Dr. @Luddite's fault , but then I was like naaaah, he is being nice lately and he wouldnt do it. So instead of thinking about I just threw it here and hoped for people to get confused (I am so evil)
@SD08 Can I be one of your ministers ? I m only looking for 500 badges ?
07-10-2017 07:40 PM
@SD08 Hahaha! It's all about the badges. 🙂
07-10-2017 07:35 PM
@zhadj030 wrote:
There are only 7 names in the post and the badge says that 8 received that badge XD
LOL @zhadj030 That didn't take you long to notice.
But you missed an even bigger question:
Who is the 6th person to receive the 0.1% badge? There are only 5 names in the post and the badge says that 6 received that badge.
The answer to both questions is, yours truly:
What happened:
@I received the wrong badge today (0.1% instead of 0.5%), so I informed @Jeremy_M of the error. He gave me the correct 0.5% badge, but the earned by count updated itself to indicate 8 people earned it. Then, for whatever reason, it seems that he couldn't delete the 0.1% badge. So, now I have two badges in my profile for June, with the wrong earned by counts on both.
So you see, it was all part of my master plan to get...
07-10-2017 07:17 PM
07-10-2017 06:18 PM
With the Freedom Mobile pot-over promotion, it was a rather interesting month. Special thanks to all members, customers, and employees for their help and patience.
07-10-2017 05:56 PM
Congratulations everyone.
07-10-2017 04:14 PM
07-10-2017 03:35 PM
Yup... Congrats to everybody, in particular those that were patiently answering the hundreds of "my activation broke, how do I fix it" messages. I know that I certainly didn't have the patience to look at any of those after the first 20-30 or so. 😛
07-10-2017 02:34 PM - edited 07-10-2017 02:36 PM
Sorry, duplicate post