05-05-2015 09:10 AM
05-27-2015 10:52 PM
05-16-2015 08:04 PM
05-15-2015 02:41 PM
05-15-2015 10:35 AM
lol @Martin i saw your commenet about a week ago and still havent been able to come up with a good comeback that wasnt naughty or inappropreiate. Which is odd for me cause i am usually good with come backs lol I am def off this week.
I stand by my choice
05-05-2015 11:22 PM
05-05-2015 11:12 PM
05-05-2015 10:06 AM
Yep, Congrats. But the War, for the Hearts and Minds of the Carrier, has just begun, ( Jabba Laugh)
05-05-2015 09:11 AM
Congrats to the light side !