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CS_Agent reply times on Stat Holidays

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Yesterday I ported in a number from Freedom mobile and I've noticed a very strange issue, incoming and outgoing texts work well, data works well and so does outgoing calls however the incoming calls ring for a while and then hang up without going to my new voicemail. I believe that the port went through properly on the Freedom side as did get the text about the number being ported out, replied yes to it and got an email from Freedom about my service cancellation.

I have tried so far:

Restart Phone

Pop out SIM and put it back in

Try different SIM (wife's Telus SIM) in my phone

Wait 12+ hours


I sent a message to CS_Agent about the above and I know it's a stat holiday so perhaps agents are less available but is this something that can be looked at today? I was hoping to have this ready for calls for work tomorrow. Thanks everyone and have a Happy New Year!



hi @Chillforce the delay in 2FA is there on purpose to avoid sim fraud

the delay with VoIP carriers is that they update the call routes slower than the main carriers 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@hTideGnow  good to know.. I never had this happen on my last port but I will take your advice. Cheers

hi @Chillforce it is normal for VoIP carrier, which Fongo is, and 2FA code to start coming late after you ported the number.  It usually takes 3 days for them to work.  Just reboot the phone daily and check.  All should work after 3 or 4 days.  Again, this is normal for those VoIp  carriers and 2FA to start working late after port

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi All,

I'm still having an issue from yesterday whereby certain phone providers can call my phone and others can't. I contacted CS_Agent yesterday and we tried reboot, reprovision and finally they escalated to the technical team. I am a recent port in having started on December 31st. The technical team was supposed to fix the issue and call me yesterday but did not either fix the issue nor contact me. As well CS_Agent has not yet responded to requests for an ETA.

The providers which can call my phone are: Telus, Freedom Mobile

The known providers which can't are: Fongo, the 2FA service from Royal Bank when a phone call is requested.


There may be other providers who can't call my number but I'm not sure right now. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated or if there is an escalations number as having a partially working phone is not a great experience.

@SukhGill, check in your community inbox (upper right corner image of an envelope), I will send you the number.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Also having the same issue, could you send me the phone number for the porting team 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks, it's set up but I'm still not able to receive calls presently. I called the porting team and they told me that the port came through successfully and that I needed to send a message to CS_Agent, so I will wait for them to respond. Thanks all

Mayor / Maire

@Chillforce, this Public Mobile link might be helpful, it provides info on voicemail which I think you need to setup for it to work:

Mayor / Maire

hi @Chillforce 

try reboot phone once more

if still not getting inbound calls, call PM porting team to confirm the porting status.  I have sent you the porting support team number.  Please check your Community inbox (, check for the number and call


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