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It’s our one-year anniversary!

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired



As we celebrate our first anniversary of SIM-only wireless, it’s the Public Mobile Community who deserves the applause.


Your unflagging loyalty, feedback, and support make each day even better than the last.


To mark the occasion, everyone who joined Public Mobile in February, 2015 will receive a commemorative anniversary badge ϑ And, the Top Contributors from Feb-Dec 2015 will get a pizza party delivered to their home, with three large pizzas and beverages to share with their friends!


If you know someone in the Community who deserves a special mention, we’d love to hear it. Let us know who helped and how, so we can give them the accolades they deserve.


Thanks for being a part of this growing Community, and here’s to an even better Year Two!


Top contributors of the past year: 



@Martin We shall; I only trust colander worthy humans.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.


We'll keep that piece of information just between us, OK? I'm sure that no one reads the posts that we exchange.

@Martin Excellent nap. It was the speacial 24 hour one to recharge the batteris; whoops you are not supposed to be aware of those batteries that use Geritol for fuel.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Hi @Luddite,

Live and learn. Live and learn. That's all that I can say about our cousins in the UK.

How was your nap?

@Martin @youbme Just to confound the linguistics of "rockets" further you should be aware that requesting same in the UK will result in a serving of a green leafy vegetable similar to our lettuce. Smiley Wink

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.


It's perfectly OK. I realize that the cold is probably getting the better of you.

BTW, I didn't know that we had Rockets in Canada. Go figure!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Martin wrote:
I don't know how long you plan to live in the land of the free and cold, but Timmie's is off-limits to all criticism, regardless of one's citizenship. It's a national icon, which personifies the best of Canadians, namely, regular folk, unknown to one another, seated at the same table, engaged in chat, such as "Cold day, eh?" "Yep, it's mighty cold, eh!" "How about them Maple Leafs, eh?" "They should fold the team, eh!" and so on.

Well, hopefully a very long time - which is why I censored myself regarding the magnificent, wonderous, awe-inspiring, Timmies.



Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Thanks for letting me know @Martin - in my excitement I did not check the link Smiley Happy

Hi @youbme,

Your link leads to a 500 Internal Server Error. Would it be possible to correct it?

I don't know how long you plan to live in the land of the free and cold, but Timmie's is off-limits to all criticism, regardless of one's citizenship. It's a national icon, which personifies the best of Canadians, namely, regular folk, unknown to one another, seated at the same table, engaged in chat, such as "Cold day, eh?" "Yep, it's mighty cold, eh!" "How about them Maple Leafs, eh?" "They should fold the team, eh!" and so on.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Martin, @7789849803, being an American I was keen to learn the language of junk food when we came to Canada - though the varieties are quite small compared to what I grew up with in midwest USA, especially for sugar cereals... Smiley Happy


I actually used the term 'corn dog' once and got blank stares..."oh, you mean a pogo stick?"...and thus began my bewilderment.


Another interesting one which confuses me every halloween when I take my daughter trick-or-treating - Smarties vs. Rockets (


And don't get me started on the so-called "regular" coffee at Tim Hortons... Smiley Frustrated


EDIT: Link above corrected

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
I appreciate that @youbme 🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen



Smiley Very Happy

This community is so educational! I'd never heard the term "pogo stick" used in that sense (yet)!


Haha...good to know what to call it, the next time I need to order some super unhealthy food 🙂

Hi @youbme,

LOL! My memory must be failing me. I had forgotten that, in Canada, pogo sticks are what Americans call corn dogs. I think I should get some of @Luddite's concentrated Geritol and take a swig of it.

With regard to Bubba, he's also a hands-on debt collector, if you get my drift. He looks quite frightening! When he delivers pizzas, he tends to get very large tips, and I mean L-A-R-G-E! At least he's putting his money to good use. The last I heard, he was opening a number of schools devoted to meditation. Curious fellow!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Wow. Someone will get a Pizza for free? That's awesome.


Also, Happy Anniversary to us!! ang Congrats. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Hi @Rockdaddy22,


To be honest, I'm surprised to not see your name on the list as I have always appreciated your thoughtful and clear responses to members in the community (including one of my first posts on PM regarding my activation process).


I can only imagine how hard it is for PM to decide who to include in their recognition of community members, especially since there are so many excellent contributors!


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
I'm starting to feel a little jealous now 😞

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Woohoo!! Congrats everyone and thanks for the pizza party! Smiley Very Happy



@Martin, I was pleased to see your mention of corn dogs - I still can't get used to calling them 'pogo' sticks. Bubba sounds like a truly enlightened individual.


Hi @NDesai,

Thank you for accepting my post in the good humour that was intended. 🙂

I access the community from my Moto G only. As such, I don't have spell check. What I do have is strict auto-correct and next-word suggestion. When I first started using my phone, I didn't realize how strict auto-correct was; my eyes refused to believe what I had posted in some cases. To say the least, there were many instances of post-publishing editing. Now, I try to very carefully watch what I'm typing while I'm typing. Before publishing a post, I'll review it, and there are still some typos that escape my attention.

Good luck in developing a spell checker. Iff knot, thay lerned mee goode inn skool two reed dem bigg wurdss!

@Martin wrote:
Hi @NDesai,

I've always been a supporter of the underdog.

Considering that Dever has no record whatsoever, it must be a very new team.

I hope that, with your pizza and pop (and beer?), you'll be rooting for Dever! 🙂


Typo, it's Denver lol


I think i should post a new idea of spell check...its a must and i m kinda missing it here..

I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

I think that Green Guiness would be excellent with the food for that day

Or is it Blue Beer? lol

Hi @NDesai,

I've always been a supporter of the underdog.

Considering that Dever has no record whatsoever, it must be a very new team.

I hope that, with your pizza and pop (and beer?), you'll be rooting for Dever! 🙂


Superbowl 50 (Denver vs Carolina) is this Sunday!


Some of us can have this perfect time to do Pizza Party 🙂

I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

Thank you for the warm-hearted cold welcome, @Martin 🙂


Kits is not as cheap anymore, though (even though the cars mist just as much water at pedestrians there) those of us with affordability concerns have to live further out of the city (as does chuk, FYI).

Hi 778,

This is the second time composing this post. The first was terminated when the pizza delivery man arrived with the pizza, pop, and free creamy-garlic dripping sauce.

Onto mundane matters: I never heard of Vancouver being referred to as the Hawaii of Canada. I have heard it referenced as Lotus Land, with Victoria called Little England.

Many many moons ago, I lived in Kitsilano where house prices were quite moderate. That should give you a rough idea of my age!

Like chuk, a responder who rarely visits, I hated the rain, primarily because I wore glasses upon which light rain would fall, thus necessitating their cleaning several times a day. Even if I wore a hat, a passing car, while I was a pedestrian, would spray the lens of my glasses. Again, I had to repeatedly clean my glasses.

In light of Vancouver experiencing cold temperatures from time to time, welcome to Canada! I hope that folks in the GVA enjoy being part of the Canadian family.

From a non-Old Stock Canadian,


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Congratulations Man Happy


Looking forward to another great year of innovation and value.

Record low for the city is -17.8 (but -27.8 with wind chill). And yes, all homes have central heating. This is still Canada after all...despite all the claims of it being the "Hawaii of Canada"! 🙂

Hi 778,

-16*C? Has Snowcouver ever had a temperature that low?

Frankly, I didn't think it was possible considering where the GVA is located.

Do most homes in the GVA have central heating, or do most people use portable space heaters?

Cheers from "Raincouver" (not sure if you have a copyright on this as well) - where it's supposed to be -16° this weekend!


Wanna trade cities?

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