01-21-2022 09:30 AM - edited 01-24-2022 06:29 PM
Hey Community,
We have some exciting news to share with the Public Mobile Community. We wanted you all to be the first to know we’re launching a new Rewards program soon - Public Points.
Joining Public Points is optional for all existing customers.
Your current rewards will remain the same. You’ll continue to earn in the same ways, and save the same amount.
Once we launch the new program, all new customers will earn their rewards through Public Points.
If you’re interested in learning more about Public Points, and how you can join, we’ve provided some information below.
Why Public Points?
With Public Points, there are more ways to earn and spend rewards, making the program more flexible than before. Now you can earn and spend points how you want, when you want. You’re in control.
How does Public Points work?
Earn Points
Get rewarded in more ways than ever. Earn points just for paying your bill – for every dollar you spend, you’ll make 5% of it back in points.
Redeem points
We like to keep things simple. 1 point earned is valued at 1 dollar when redeemed - that’s it!
Start saving
Redeem points on things that matter to you – like money off your bill, free add-ons or the chance to win awesome prizes.
Our Rewards Program has and continues to be our unique super power, by giving our customers the chance to earn even more!
Stay tuned for further details soon!
- Public Mobile Team
01-24-2022 08:17 PM
Whoop. There it is. One account got the email. The same one that got the pre-announcement email. Two other accounts...nothing. Same.
01-24-2022 08:12 PM
Thank you @hTideGnow for letting me know the mail was sent out by mistake, I was indeed got worried.
01-24-2022 08:09 PM - edited 01-24-2022 08:10 PM
HI @Ali2019
in fact, none of us got switched over yet. Some of us got an email this morning but the email was sent out by mistake. So, no worry, we will get a chance to choose when they finally introduce the new reward system.
01-24-2022 08:07 PM
Thanks Lost1, very confusing for now, it seems that some people received the "Congrats+ thanks for switching" email while most people not yet.
I like how the rewards program works the way currently, not sure I want to switch to the New Points program. Anyway, we will wait to see how it works...
01-24-2022 07:59 PM - edited 01-24-2022 08:14 PM
So what now.....will it self fix? Or off to a CSA? Thanks for the pic.
Actually it looks attractive (for the new customers ). Will I go that way....not likely.
I do see they will save on the loyalty piece of it. Unless I have not read it properly. I don’t see it saying it is cumulative 10 points per year of loyalty up to x or XX years. Only 10 points per year/anniversary. Vs 5 year loyalty = 5 years loyalty x $1 x 12 months = $60 a year forever is 50 points more than new program or 1 year loyalty x $1 x 12 months = $12 a year is 2 points more than new program.
And one point per month to convert....ie. 5 years = 60 points from the get go plus the 5 for converting. I wonder what the new customer version of this applies.... 5 points for joining and 10 more for using a referral code?
If you are ok with the second step to cash in the points for a “prize” or to go against your PM account...all is good. The question is...what blocks of points are cashable? I like it as it is....automatically credits my account.
Refer friend and community looks same.
Looking at each account value is a loss gain for auto pay $2.
$15 $2 goes to 75 cents
$25 $2 goes to $1.25
$35 $2 goes to $1.75
$40 $2 goes to $2.00
$50 $2 goes to $2.50
$60 $2 goes to $3.00
$70 $2 goes to $3.50
This is actually fair to the higher value plans.
13.35% vs 5% would have been better...$15 * 13.35% = $1.9995 nah...won’t happen🤪
But all in all....not bad. I can see some people liking it. But as mentioned, this program can be “managed” by diluting the value of a point.
01-24-2022 07:55 PM
No congrats email for me, except two of the same emails.. Introducing Public Points.
01-24-2022 07:53 PM
Update: received the second email.. stating the same things as the post here, on top of apologizing about the confusion yesterday's email caused not revealing how to signup for the Public Points..
Still waiting for further guidance.
01-24-2022 07:51 PM
Today I received 2 emails from PM, 1st received @18:03pm introducing the Public Points programs, and then 2nd @19:10pm - Congrats, thank you so much for switching to our new Public Points rewards program.
Wait, I HAVE NOT CHOSE TO SWITCH YET. Why PM sent me the 2nd email?
I was wondering has anybody received two emails from PM as me?
01-24-2022 07:50 PM
I'd hope the points would not wipe out the already earned rewards we have,, I am sure the details will follow....
01-24-2022 07:20 PM
Referrals are not being affected. Loyalty is the primary change.
01-24-2022 07:16 PM
Both my accounts received the “Thanks for Switching” email today as well. If there is anything I need to give PM credit for it is being consistent! It doesn’t matter what is being offered, changed, given away etc…..
01-24-2022 07:15 PM
I came to the same conclusion a page back.
01-24-2022 07:11 PM
For the purposes of how they function, they are the same thing. Changing the name is just another way to obfuscate the devaluation.
01-24-2022 06:59 PM
@ddv wrote:
@hTideGnow wrote:Hi @ddv 2 more email on the same email address or on different accounts?
Different accounts. And they keep on coming, about 1 an hour.
HI @ddv they still coming?
I think you should open a ticket with PM so they can find the computer and "pull the plug" LoL
01-24-2022 06:57 PM
@hTideGnow wrote:Hi @ddv 2 more email on the same email address or on different accounts?
Different accounts. And they keep on coming, about 1 an hour.
01-24-2022 06:53 PM
I save $6 per month on my $15 plan, sounds like if I switch I would get .75% of a point per month... hmmmm
01-24-2022 05:16 PM
Right now I have enough referrals to cover almost my entire monthly bill (granted I'm on the cheapest one). This new system is probably going to curb people from being able to achieve that.
01-24-2022 05:07 PM
@Jags wrote:The old bait and switch trick. Thank a bunch Telus. Not.
I think you are jumping the gun......
01-24-2022 05:04 PM
@AE_Collector wrote:So this is about as good as I have felt about this possible change so far. It could be worse.
Out of curiosity....where did you get this info from?
Friend referrals = unchanged. Old is $1 per and New is 1 Point per which equals $1 per.
If I recall the survey we did..did not PM only want to give a one time reward for a referral?
Community Rewards looks to be unchanged with Points Rewards.
For every $1 it gives 1 point?
AutoPay Credit Gone but replaced with 5% Reward so $2 reward becomes anywhere from 75c to $3.50. However, the 5% likely only applies to actual $ billed so if other rewards are paying quite a bit of your monthly plan cost the 5% won’t likely apply to those free rewards. But it could… the 5% *could* be based on your actual plan “list price”. This one is a wait and see…
But I see auto pay only offers bonus data and that’s it. The 5% of every thing you buy except a 10 day plan becomes a money maker.
And finally…. Loyalty Rewards is the most confusing to me at the moment. There is mention of “Loyalty Perks” saying you earned one point for every month at Public Mobile so far and there is mention of Anniversary Points which states 10 Points for every year. Here is my best guess in this subject:
Anniversary Rewards of 10 Points for every 12 months is likely a single annual reward of 10 points thus slightly less lucrative than $1 per month. BUT, after your second year it won’t increase to $2, then $3 etc. it is most likely a 10 Point payout on each anniversary. You get the whole thing up front after 1 year as opposed to just starting to receive the $1 each month but that far from makes up for the reduction in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years as well as the slight annual reduction from $12 to $10.
My guess at what the “Loyalty Perk” is… a one time Buy Out of existing Loyalty Lever accrued. I’ve been here 37 months and receive a $3 Reward every 30 days. I would receive a one time 37 Points and revert to 10 points on each anniversary which I am 11 months away from at the moment. That’s my guess at least.
Loyalty points will be interesting....my guess is a one time amount of points on your anniversary 1-5....but would it carry on?
01-24-2022 04:54 PM
I guess there could be other phases later on to the rewards program we are on. I’ve been around for awhile (on this side of the green) and have seen others do wind downs in phases over a period of time. And the latter would be an IT nightmare. But for some reason it appears to me that the grandfathering here is solid.
PM will make more from the new customers and I have about a 70% retention of referrals. So they will lose a good % of customers on the current program.
So what happens to the referral program?
Gone? Not according to below.
Currently is $10 to new customer..one time.....and a $ off for us for as long as they are a customer
Will be?? 10 points to new customer..one time.....and a $ off for us for as long as they are a customer??
Keep in in mind what this says too:
Joining Public Points is optional for all existing customers.
Your current rewards will remain the same. You’ll continue to earn in the same ways, and save the same amount.
Once we launch the new program, all new customers will earn their rewards through Public Points.
If you’re interested in learning more about Public Points, and how you can join, we’ve provided some information below.
01-24-2022 04:48 PM
So this is about as good as I have felt about this possible change so far. It could be worse.
Friend referrals = unchanged. Old is $1 per and New is 1 Point per which equals $1 per.
Community Rewards looks to be unchanged with Points Rewards.
AutoPay Credit Gone but replaced with 5% Reward so $2 reward becomes anywhere from 75c to $3.50. However, the 5% likely only applies to actual $ billed so if other rewards are paying quite a bit of your monthly plan cost the 5% won’t likely apply to those free rewards. But it could… the 5% *could* be based on your actual plan “list price”. This one is a wait and see…
And finally…. Loyalty Rewards is the most confusing to me at the moment. There is mention of “Loyalty Perks” saying you earned one point for every month at Public Mobile so far and there is mention of Anniversary Points which states 10 Points for every year. Here is my best guess in this subject:
Anniversary Rewards of 10 Points for every 12 months is likely a single annual reward of 10 points thus slightly less lucrative than $1 per month. BUT, after your second year it won’t increase to $2, then $3 etc. it is most likely a 10 Point payout on each anniversary. You get the whole thing up front after 1 year as opposed to just starting to receive the $1 each month but that far from makes up for the reduction in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years as well as the slight annual reduction from $12 to $10.
My guess at what the “Loyalty Perk” is… a one time Buy Out of existing Loyalty Lever accrued. I’ve been here 37 months and receive a $3 Reward every 30 days. I would receive a one time 37 Points and revert to 10 points on each anniversary which I am 11 months away from at the moment. That’s my guess at least.
01-24-2022 04:01 PM
The old bait and switch trick. Thank a bunch Telus. Not.
01-24-2022 03:48 PM
limited info in the leaking/testing PM email to clearly evaluate the changes. But edit 2 seems mixing the Anniversary points and loyalty perks
01-24-2022 03:44 PM - edited 01-24-2022 03:46 PM
01-24-2022 03:09 PM
I hardly post in the community but the welcome email regarding public points made me come here so fast. I was like why would they sign me up when the previous email cleary said it was optional. I got scared that someone hacked my account. 😬
Thanks for the update public mobile that the email was sent in error. Atleast you made me come here and make a post about it. Very smart. You are bringing the public mobile community together ❤
I think for existing customers, public mobile should keep the previous rewards plan AND sign up for public points.
Let us keep both. 😃
01-24-2022 02:44 PM - edited 01-24-2022 03:06 PM
@magdrag wrote:So setting aside referral and community, autopay (specifically below $40 plans) and loyalty are what got devalued on an ongoing basis. If you've been here 5 years like some of us, you will simply be paying more. I guess they are banking on the average person being terrible at math.
Lol.......meaning the average that is currently a customer? I agree some but not all might not see the savings.....but a new customer can’t compare....it is what it is. And was nice that it was grandfathered.
Some people jump on any offer of points ie:
London Drugs
Air Miles
Any one that offers a cash discount I would consider first.
Any one that offers to buy an overpriced item from a catalogue I would not consider.
Any one that offers to buy an overpriced item from a catalogue with points plus cash I would not consider.
The only thing I consider now is cash back credit cards and Public Mobile Rewards (not points) program. That’s it.....nothing else.....life is simple.
But everyone has their own preferences. And they don’t mind the loss of privacy by giving up their address, location, phone number, being tracked for date, time and items purchased.
01-24-2022 02:26 PM - edited 01-24-2022 02:57 PM
So setting aside referral and community, autopay (specifically below $40 plans) and loyalty are what got devalued on an ongoing basis. If you've been here 5 years like some of us, you will simply be paying more. I guess they are banking on the average person being terrible at math.
EDIT: This achieves Telus' (and all the telcos) goal of increasing ARPU but doesn't encourage new people to stay loyal, so churn will continue. At least it's optional so far for grandfathered plans. The last time they tried to force a change (getting us to jump to Koodo), it raised the ire of RFD and the CRTC got flooded with complaints.
EDIT 2: I'll keep it really simple just regarding loyalty. If you are here 5 years, you get $5 a month, or $60 a year. The new version gives you a whole $10 a year. They try and sweeten it by giving you a one time credit for however many months you've been here (let's stick with the example of 5 years so $60) and and extra $5 for switching. It's junk going forward. So anyone who is posting here saying it's an improvement is shilling for community rewards I guess. Have some integrity please.
01-24-2022 02:22 PM
Hi @ddv 2 more email on the same email address or on different accounts?
01-24-2022 02:18 PM
@J_PM wrote:[Update]
Hey everyone! Some of you may have received an email welcoming your switch to Public Points. Important: We want to assure you that no one has been switched onto Public Points. This email was accidentally triggered due to back-end testing/prep for launch. Not to worry, you will have the opportunity to switch over, if you choose, once we've launched Public Points.
- Public Mobile Team
Your bug is still sending out the e-mails. I received two more since you posted this update.
01-24-2022 01:30 PM
That email was sent in error, ignore.