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Expired: Limited Time Offer: BONUS Data on 4G LTE plans

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

This promotion is no longer available


Hey Community!


For a limited time, we're offering you bonus 4G LTE data when you activate on a 90-day plan. During this promotional period, we're featuring three amazing plans:





Data at 4G LTE Speed


90-Day Plan

Unlimited Province-Wide Talk

Unlimited Global Text

3GB + 3GB Bonus Data

= 2GB / 30 days


= $50 / 30 days

90-Day Plan

Unlimited Province-Wide Talk

Unlimited Global Text

6GB + 3GB Bonus Data

= 3GB / 30 days


= $60 / 30 days

90-Day Plan

Unlimited Province-Wide Talk

Unlimited Global Text

12GB + 6GB Bonus Data

= 6GB / 30 days


= $75 / 30 days



Interested? Here’s how to score one of these deals.


First, you’ll need a SIM card. You can order one here or visit a participating Walmart or WOW! mobile boutique to purchase. Once you have your SIM card in hand, follow these easy steps:


  1. Activate your SIM card here.
  2. After you’ve entered your information and selected a phone number or ported over your number from another provider, you’ll be prompted to choose a plan. Select the following combination to score this limited time offer:
  • 90-day pass
  • Unlimited Province-Wide Talk
  • Unlimited Global Text
  • Your desired data allotment:

â—‹     3GB at 4G LTE Speed (+3GB Bonus) = 2GB / 30 days

â—‹     6GB at 4G LTE Speed (+3GB Bonus) = 3GB / 30 days

â—‹     12GB at 4G LTE Speed (+6GB Bonus) = 6GB / 30 days

  1. Select your payment method and finalize the rest of the activation process.


Things to know


  • This promotional bonus data offer is for a limited time only.
  • September 19th 8:00 am (EDT) was the last day you can activate on our promotional plans. The promotion will not be honored after the communicated end date for any SIM cards that have not been activated by the deadline. This includes SIM cards that have been purchased online and have not yet arrived or been activated.



Public Mobile Community Team


*Please do not post private info such as: phone number, account number, pin etc.. This is a public forum.
322 REPLIES 322

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
I apologize, I will not post here anymore.

@Jeremy_M Thanks for the update.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

@poke53 wrote:

I beg of you,


Can you please just honour this promo for me just this once? I will bring my entire family over. I have a family member from Freedom and another from Rogers.

@poke53 Jeremy just posted the "rules of engagement" for this 1 day promo. You will not get a positive response to your your comment. If you wish to make one more attempt, click this: message to moderators to send a private message to the moderator team with your phone number and an explanation. It is VERY improbable, but who knows what a polite reasoned request might bring.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I beg of you,


Can you please just honour this promo for me just this once? I will bring my entire family over. I have a family member from Freedom and another from Rogers.

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

@mimmo wrote:

The 500mb option is still available. so someone could still actually buy the plan expecting to get the promo, if they did not know that it was expired.  PM should honour the promo untill they remove the data option.  


@Jeremy_M  can you weigh in.

Hey @mimmo,


Thank you, for sharing. The 500mb option will soon be removed. 

  • We will honor the promo for anyone who ported in and activated before noon Thursday, Aug 17.
  • @We will honor anyone who contacts us, saying they ordered their SIM online during the promo period (Aug 16-Aug 17 @ noon) and didn’t get a chance to activate
    • Customer must contact us by August 31st to be eligible.
    • Must have order number handy to prove purchase



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Well, I asked, and they still would not honour. There is not much I can do. I would just need to wait for three months, then port back to Wind/Freedom.

Honestly they should really disable the 500MB plan as its a bit like false advertising as the promo just disappearred but others can still click on it.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

The 500mb option is still available. so someone could still actually buy the plan expecting to get the promo, if they did not know that it was expired.  PM should honour the promo untill they remove the data option.  


@Jeremy_M  can you weigh in.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I saw the deal on Aug 16 and ordered the SIM card online on the same day. I have not received the SIM card yet. PM the moderator 24 hours ago to ask if they will honor the deal, no reply so far. Man Sad

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
I was about to port all my family members to public too. Its good that I havent yet, I wouldve screwed them all.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire
@SD08, I agree with you.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Yes, be persistent. The 500 MB allotment was specifically created as the starter data for the promo and does not fit any current 90-day plan.  When PM pulled the promo, they should not have left that as an option to pick when activating.  This is an oversight by PM and they really should correct it for you.  At the very least, if they don't honour the promo, they should let you switch to another currently available plan with a data allotment appropriate for 90-days (and you would pay any price difference).

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Be persistent by not giving up, don't take no for an answer. Just stay polite the whole time. I don't understand how they can do this to you. If you were able to pick the 500mb option, then they should honor it.

Its up to you. First impressions with any company are important and yours so far hasnt been the greatest. 


Luckily the next payment date will be around November, which will be a time of promos (or should be). 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
How can I be persistent? I asked and they just said no. I am just not sure if I should port back to wind after 3 months.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Don't you love all the notifications 😘 You can turn them off for each individual thread:)

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
Ah. Thanks

the 500MB was the plan to sign up for the freedom mobile promotion, and then the bonus data was to abe applied to that. However when they just pulled the promo. the poster was stuck with 500MB of data, and the promo wasnt being honoured.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
Can someone give me the tldr. I am getting so many notifications the last few hours so I think something is going on. What's this 500mb thing people are talking about..?

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
In my opinion that's unacceptable. Just be polite and very persistent, I'm sure they'll realize that they should honor the deal for you.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
It may be back sooner than we know, the only thing is your essentially locked in for 90 days on that plan, and by the sounds of it is a worse deal than what Wind/Freedom had for you. I'd say its worth taking up with the CCTS for the fact the end date was never communicated. Its certainly worth trying.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

They are willing to change my plan to another one. I opted for my only other option, which is the regular 90-day, 3GB+3GB 3G data plan which is the same $126. I hope they will allow me to make the switch to the 4GB/30 day plan if it ever comes back. But I highly doubt it 😞

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@poke53 wrote:
Well I am screwed... Mod just got back to me that they cant do anything about it. I cant even go back to Wind now because I have already prepaid for 3 months for this 500MB plan...

Number for the CCTS if you're so inclined: 1-888-221-1687

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

That promo was the worst of the worst. Not only was it pulled within a day of being up and without a communicated end date (sure, realize it was bad and set a 2 or 3 day limit on it, but to just pull it, unreal).


They also made sure to stick you with only the bottom amount of data available. 500mb split over 3 months is completely laughable, especially at the price. They should have run the promo with a temp activation on the old 6gb/$120 plan (bumped to $126) instead, to remove the chance of something like this happening. A total "Catch 22" with the 90 prepay. Absurd.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@xCameron94x wrote:

In my opinion, Public mobile did not communicate an end date for the promo. They just pulled the promo out after playing a game of chicken with Freedom. You should be entilted to the promotion. If you have messaged them multiple times, and the denied you, you could file a compliant to the CRTC if you wish, but even that might take some time. 


It is truly unfortunate that you have expirenced this. 500MB over 90 days is just not doable. Even buying the data add ons becomes expensive 

A complaint to either the CRTC or the CCTS would actually be a good idea in this case. The fact they pulled the promo without any communicated end date, and ended up getting people caught up in the predicament their in, would be ripe for complaint.


The CCTS would likely be the people to take this up with.

In my opinion, Public mobile did not communicate an end date for the promo. They just pulled the promo out after playing a game of chicken with Freedom. You should be entilted to the promotion. If you have messaged them multiple times, and the denied you, you could file a compliant to the CRTC if you wish, but even that might take some time. 


It is truly unfortunate that you have expirenced this. 500MB over 90 days is just not doable. Even buying the data add ons becomes expensive 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Just be polite but persistent. Send another message asap explaining your situation. I'm truly sorry your experiencing this issue.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Well I am screwed... Mod just got back to me that they cant do anything about it. I cant even go back to Wind now because I have already prepaid for 3 months for this 500MB plan...

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Perfect, thank you for the update. They are doing their best 🙂

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Rockdaddy22 wrote:
Just be patient guys, there's a big backlog at the moment. I'm sure they'll get to you guys tomorrow.

Mods just helped me out with my problem. They should be making good headway in the backlog.

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